Below is the condensed professional biography of Ashu M. G. Solo.  Full details of the accomplishments summarized in this condensed professional biography are listed in Solo’s curriculum vitae, which includes an over 150-page categorized list of Solo’s over 1010 reviewed publications and an over 15-page list of over 450 committees, boards, task forces, working groups, and executive groups that Solo has been on.

Selective and Condensed Professional Biography of Ashu M. G. Solo (Revised on August 4, 2024)

A. Highlights of Selective and Condensed Professional Biography of Ashu M. G. Solo

Ashu M. G. Solo is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researcher and developer, electrical engineering researcher and developer (including control systems engineering and electronics engineering), computer engineering researcher and developer (including software engineering, firmware engineering, and computer architecture), intelligent systems engineering researcher and developer, political and public policy engineering researcher, mathematics researcher and developer, politics and public policy researcher, education researcher, writer (including political writer, political poet, and research writer), research book editor, engineering and math instructor, entrepreneur, intellectual property consultant (experienced but not a lawyer or paralegal), former infantry officer, corruption whistleblower, former political operative, progressive activist (including civil rights activist, activist against genocide, anti-corruption activist, justice reform activist, anti-monarchy activist, children's rights activist, anti-assault activist, secularism activist, activist against government waste and for government accountability, educational reform activist, and COVID-19 activist), environmental protection technology developer, kickboxer, mixed combative arts fighter, and extreme sports participant. 

Solo has over 1010 reviewed publications including research publications, political and public policy commentaries, and some other miscellaneous publications.  He has over 80 reprints of these publications.  He has publications in the fields of intelligent systems (also known as artificial intelligence) engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, political engineering, public policy engineering, mechanical engineering, mathematics, data science, physics, environmental science, military studies, politics, public policy, computational psychology, and education.  These include research book chapters, research journal papers, research conference papers, patent specifications, academic dictionary definitions, edited research books, edited research conference proceedings books, edited research journal special issues, forewords, parliamentary briefs, letters published in municipal government agendas, political op-ed articles, political poems, scientific and political letters to the editor, short stories, nonpolitical poems, etc.  None of these were self-published.  Publishers had all of these reviewed before publication.  In over 225 of Solo's over 1010 reviewed publications, he's the sole author.  In 3 of Solo's over 1010 reviewed publications, he's the sole editor.  Solo has more reviewed publications and more reviewed publications without coauthors than the vast majority of professors.  Manuscripts by Solo were published by over 95 publishing organizations.  Solo has worked with or has publications with top researchers including Lotfi A. Zadeh, the creator of fuzzy logic.  While other people self-publish manuscripts without being reviewed, Solo will never self-publish a manuscript, so his manuscripts will always be reviewed.

Solo is the creator of multidimensional matrix mathematics and its subsets, multidimensional matrix algebra and multidimensional matrix calculus, all of which are published in reviewed research papers.  He was the first to apply multidimensional matrix algebra to the design of higher order neural networks in a reviewed and published research paper.  Solo is the originator of public policy engineering, computational public policy, political engineering, computational politics, and misinformation identification engineering, all of which are published in reviewed research papers.  He co-developed some of the best published methods for maintaining power flow in and multiobjective optimization of radial power distribution system operations using intelligent systems.  He made contributions to the theory and applications of fuzzy logic and knowledge-based systems in reviewed and published research papers.  Solo originated 23 annual celebratory days for scientific awareness and 2 annual celebratory days as secular alternatives to Christian holidays in reviewed publications.  Solo couldn’t find anyone who has created more new branches of math than him, originated more new fields than him, or originated more annual celebratory days than him; if you know of anyone who has, send him a message.
Solo was a platoon commander understudy (regiment appointment) while serving as an infantry officer (military occupation); held four engineering entrepreneurial positions, three nontechnical entrepreneurial positions, nine engineering employment positions, and eight engineering or math consulting positions; and was on 434 committees, a subcommittee, two councils, two task forces, two working groups, five boards, and six executive groups for organizations not started by him.  

Solo took 190 academic courses and short courses from University of Waterloo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Cornell University, 4 other universities, and 21 other academic organizations in electrical engineering, computer engineering, intelligent systems engineering, mathematics, physics, aerospace engineering, nutrition, exercise science, economics, entrepreneurship, and other fields; has extremely extensive self-education in engineering, math, science, social science (especially politics and public policy), and humanities (especially writing, literature, history, and human languages); was trained to be an infantry officer in the Cdn. Army Reserve by the "Royal" Canadian Regiment Battle School, “Royal” Canadian Infantry Corps, and Canadian Army (reserve members were trained by the regular force when Solo served); and took 22 sports courses and 8 sports training programs at 19 organizations.  Solo has taken more university courses in engineering, math, and science than the vast majority of engineering professors, and over 95% of the university courses he took were from these top-tier universities:  University of Waterloo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and ivy league Cornell University.  Besides being an expert in English grammar, punctuation, and style, Solo has studied extensive advanced English vocabulary and 7 other human languages to a minor or moderate degree and can greet people in 50 human languages.  He learned 40 programming languages, 3 markup languages, a hardware description language, 14 software description languages and mathematical modeling languages, and 29 computer communication protocols.  Besides studying American history, Canadian history, world history, ancient history, social history, political history, military history, computer history, space exploration history, technology history, economic history, and mysteries of history, Solo familiarized himself with over 170 historical figures.  Besides studying over 20 classic nonfiction and modern classic nonfiction books, Solo has familiarized himself (through books, audiobooks, book synopses, or movies) with over 130 classic fiction books, over 80 classic short stories, over 240 modern classic fiction books, and over 10 modern classic short stories.

Solo won a BCS fellowship, a lifetime achievement award, two outstanding achievement awards, two distinguished service awards, three achievement awards, four scholarships, a silver medal and honorable mention at two national science fairs, first prize overall at a regional science fair, two IBM awards, three other science fair awards, academic achievement awards, a writing award, a chess tournament award, math contest awards, etc.

Solo has done over 1500 push-ups in two hours many times and run a 26 mile (42 km) marathon on a treadmill.  He has done over 9 combat sports, 12 extreme sports, and 20 regular sports.  He maintained a 100% healthy diet for over 150 consecutive days and countless shorter periods.

B. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications and Presentations of Ashu M. G. Solo in Engineering, Math, Science, Politics, and Public Policy

B-1. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo on New Math Fields 

While some people see problems, Solo sees solutions.  After seeing many researchers complain that no existing branch of mathematics could model aspects of higher order neural networks, Solo developed new branches of math.  Solo is the creator of multidimensional matrix mathematics and its subsets, multidimensional matrix algebra and multidimensional matrix calculus, all of which are published.  All of these advancements were developed and defined by Solo, reviewed by many professional math researchers, and published in refereed research papers in 2010:  multidimensional matrix notation, multidimensional matrix representation, multidimensional matrix equality, multidimensional matrix simplification, multidimensional matrix unsimplification, multidimensional matrix addition, multidimensional matrix subtraction, multidimensional matrix multiplication, multidimensional matrix outer product, multidimensional matrix inner product, multidimensional matrix transpose, multidimensional matrix determinant, multidimensional matrix inverse, multidimensional matrix differentiation, multidimensional matrix integration, multidimensional null matrix, multidimensional identity matrix, multidimensional matrix symmetry, multidimensional matrix antisymmetry, and commutative, associative, and distributive laws of multidimensional matrix algebra.  Solo developed an alternative representation for the summation of quadratic terms using multidimensional matrix multiplication and a new method for the solution of systems of linear equations using multidimensional matrices.  Solo was the first to apply his multidimensional matrix math to the design of higher order neural networks for complex identification, recognition, vision, optimization, and control systems applications.  Solo made numerous other developments to the theory and applications of multidimensional matrix mathematics that will soon be published.  While most people follow well-worn trails in research, Solo blazes new trails in research.

B-2. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo to Originate Public Policy Engineering, Political Engineering, Computational Public Policy, and Computational Politics

Solo saw the need to originate new fields on the application of engineering, computer science, mathematics, and natural science to solving problems in public policy after seeing that legislators usually determine spending priorities and budget allocations based on passions of the moment, special interest lobbying, parochial interests, ignorant public opinion, or their own ideological biases rather than on a rigorous mathematical and computational analysis of how spending priorities and budget allocations can be made for the greatest public benefit.  Solo saw the need to originate new fields on the application of engineering, computer science, mathematics, and natural science to solving problems in politics after seeing that many politicians often determine how to spend limited campaign funds on advertising in certain geographic areas based on their best guesses rather than on a rigorous mathematical and computational analysis of how funds should be allocated for the greatest benefit to their campaigns.

Solo is the originator of public policy engineering, computational public policy, political engineering, and computational politics, all of which he originated in reviewed and published research papers.  The term political engineering has been previously used to describe the nontechnical design of political institutions.  This is a misuse of the term engineering.

ublic policy engineering is the application of engineering, computer science, mathematics, or natural science to solving problems in public policy.  Computational public policy is the application of computer science or mathematics to solving problems in public policy.  Political engineering is the application of engineering, computer science, mathematics, or natural science to solving problems in politics.  Computational politics is the application of computer science or mathematics to solving problems in politics.

Public policy engineering and computational public policy include, but are not limited to, principles and methods for public policy formulation, decision making, analysis, modeling, optimization, forecasting, and simulation.  Political engineering and computational politics include, but are not limited to, principles and methods for political decision making, analysis, modeling, optimization, forecasting, simulation, and expression.  While other researchers only make incremental advancements to existing fields, Solo creates and originates new fields.

B-3. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo on Intelligent Systems in Reliability of Power Distribution System Operations

Solo co-developed some of the best published methods for maintaining power flow in radial power distribution system operations using intelligent systems.  Solo co-designed a knowledge-based system for network radiality in a power distribution system that maintains power flow to all customers on a line during reconfiguration of the power distribution system.  This can be used immediately after failure of power system components, during system optimization procedures, during network maintenance, and after power outages.  Also, Solo co-designed a hybrid intelligent system using a fuzzy knowledge-based system and numerical methods for maintaining radiality and not violating operational constraints in reconfiguration of a power distribution system.  Furthermore, Solo co-designed a less sophisticated version of this hybrid intelligent system with a crisp knowledge-based system instead of a fuzzy knowledge-based system.  These published developments enhance power distribution network reliability and can prevent power outages, which cost individuals and organizations tremendous productivity, time, and money.  While other people complain about power outages, Solo co-developed technology that can reduce power outages.

B-4. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo on Intelligent Systems in Multiobjective Optimization of Power Distribution System Operations

Solo co-developed some of the best published methods for maintaining power flow in and multiobjective optimization of radial power distribution system operations using intelligent systems.  Solo co-designed a hybrid intelligent system using a fuzzy knowledge-based system and numerical methods for multiobjective optimization of power distribution system operations.  Also, Solo co-designed a less sophisticated version of this intelligent optimization system with a crisp knowledge-based system instead of a fuzzy knowledge-based system.  These methods decrease energy losses in power distribution systems, which results in less burning of non-renewable fossil fuels, reduced global warming, decreased air pollution and acid rain, reduced harm to the environment and wildlife from obtaining fossil fuels, and less nuclear waste.  Furthermore, the methods described can increase transformer life spans and enhance the reliability of a power distribution network.  This can prevent power outages, which cost individuals and organizations tremendous productivity, time, and money.  Decreased consumption of fossil fuels or uranium and increased transformer life spans lower operating costs and consumer prices.  While other people protest for less energy consumption, Solo develops technology for less energy consumption.

B-5. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo on Other Intelligent Systems Applications

Solo made other published contributions to the theory and applications of intelligent systems.  In reviewed and published research papers, Solo showed how type-one or interval type-two fuzzy logic was needed to properly ask and answer a question during a presidential debate.

In reviewed and published research papers, Solo showed how aspects of fuzzy logic including fuzzy sets, linguistic variables, linguistic qualifiers, fuzzy rules, fuzzy operators, defuzzification, fuzzy database queries, the computational theory of perceptions, and computing with words are useful in uncertainty management of linguistic evaluations.                                         

B-6. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo on Intelligent Systems Theory

Solo was the first to apply his multidimensional matrix math to the design of higher order neural networks for complex identification, recognition, vision, optimization, and control systems applications.  

In reviewed and published research papers, Solo distinguished between qualitative definitions, quantitative definitions, crisp quantitative definitions, fuzzy quantitative definitions, type-one fuzzy quantitative definitions, interval type-two fuzzy quantitative definitions, crisp queries, crisp answers, type-one fuzzy queries, type-one fuzzy answers, interval type-two fuzzy queries, and interval type-two fuzzy answers.  While other people use knowledge, innovation, theory, engineering, math, and technology, Solo advances knowledge, innovation, theory, engineering, math, and technology.

B-7. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo on Intelligent Systems and Engineering Curriculum Studies

Solo wrote a reviewed and published research paper that proposed the curriculum for a new bachelor’s degree (honors) in intelligent systems engineering.  Also, he wrote a reviewed and published research paper that proposed the curriculum for a five-year academic program with a bachelor’s degree (honors) in intelligent systems engineering and software engineering and a master’s degree in intelligent systems engineering and software engineering.  Most researchers and developers working in the field of intelligent systems have their primary education in another field so they are often only familiar with one, two, or a few branches of intelligent systems.  By offering a bachelor’s degree in intelligent systems engineering or a bachelor's degree in intelligent systems engineering and software engineering at universities, it’s possible for graduates to have an understanding of all of the main branches of intelligent systems.  Some universities have recently started offering bachelor’s degrees in artificial intelligence with more of a focus on computer science rather than computer engineering.  By creating a bachelor’s degree in intelligent systems engineering or a bachelor's degree in intelligent systems engineering and software engineering, it’s possible to have more of a focus on control systems, digital signal processing, robotics, and natural science than typically offered in a computer science program.  Intelligent systems engineering can be applied to these fields..​​

B-8. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo on Cyberbullying

Five of the major problems of the Internet age are defamation, doxing, impersonation, threats of violence, and sharing of intimate images.  To combat these problems, in reviewed and published research papers, Solo made 15 recommendations for website policies including social network policies, 13 recommendations for public policies, and 5 recommendations for educating the public.  Also, in reviewed and published research papers, Solo proposed a new field called misinformation identification engineering to develop algorithms and software to find, flag, or remove misinformation and disinformation on websites and in other documents..

B-9. Synopsis of Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo on Algorithmic Psychology

​Another researcher developed a psychological model to describe human persuasion.  Solo converted this model into a computer algorithm.  They wrote a research paper to apply the model and algorithm to computer addiction with the other researcher creating the examples.  Then the other researcher improved the model.  Then they wrote a research paper to apply the model and algorithm to social network participation with Solo creating the examples.  Finally, they wrote a research paper to apply the model and algorithm to e-commerce with both of them creating the examples.

B-10. Synopsis of Other Miscellaneous Reviewed Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo has many other reviewed research publications on his own or with other researchers.  Solo has published research papers on public policies and political communications.  Solo has published research papers on prevention of different types of cyberbullying, educating the public to combat cyberbullying, and getting justice for different types of cyberbullying in the U.S. and other countries.  For a research paper on computer aided diagnosis of pulmonary nodules from CT scans, Solo contributed some of the mathematics.  This research involves image processing with neural networks to aid in lung cancer diagnosis.  Solo expanded the scope of the inventions and patents of a piston position sensing system, a fluid actuator, and a military vehicle movement system.

B-11. Synopsis of Research and Development of Ashu M. G. Solo to Be Released

Solo did other research that is confidential until publication and developed or co-developed other commercial products including inventions, software applications, and web applications that are confidential until product release.  

B-12. Synopsis of Reviewed Scientific Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo originated Nitrous Oxide Day, Carbon Dioxide Day, Methane Day, and Tropospheric Ozone Day in publications to increase awareness of the worst greenhouse gases causing climate change.  Nitrous Oxide Day is on on February 17, Carbon Dioxide Day is on May 18, Methane Day is on June 5, and Tropospheric Ozone Day is on June 7. 

In reviewed publications, Solo originated these annual celebratory days for fundamental physical constants to increase awareness of science:  Standard Gravity Day on September 8 and Light Speed Day on October 8 from 3:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  Standard Gravity Day uses the date format of the widely celebrated Pi Day.  Light Speed Day uses the date and time format of the widely celebrated Mole Day. 

In a reviewed and published research chapter, Solo originated these annual celebratory days for 17 fundamental physical constants to increase science awareness:  Vacuum Magnetic Permeability Day on January 3, Boltzmann Constant Day on January 4, Elementary Charge Day on January 6, Proton Mass Day on January 7, Proton-Electron Mass Ratio Day on January 8, Magnetic Flux Quantum Day on February 1, Von Klitzing Constant Day on February 6, Josephson Constant Day on April 8, Stefan-Boltzmann Constant Day on May 7, Planck Constant Day on June 6, Gravitational Constant Day on June 7, Fine-Structure Constant Day on July 3, Conductance Quantum Day on July 7, Molar Gas Constant Day on August 3, Vacuum Electric Permittivity Day on August 9, Electron Mass Day on September 1, and Faraday Constant Day on September 6.  Planck’s Constant Day and Boltzmann Constant Day were previously proposed for multiple different dates by bloggers on unreviewed webpages.  The annual celebratory date for each fundamental physical constant was chosen by taking the first numeral in the numerical value and using this to pick the month and by taking the second numeral rounded up or rounded down based on the numerals that follow and using this to pick the date of the month.

B-13. Synopsis of Reviewed Dictionary Term Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

For the InfoSci-Dictionary, an extremely comprehensive academic dictionary from IGI Global, Solo contributed definitions for these 14 terms that he coined or gave new definitions to:  multidimensional matrix mathematics, multidimensional matrix algebra, multidimensional matrix calculus, public policy engineering, political engineering, computational public policy, computational politics, qualitative definition, quantitative definition, crisp quantitative definition, fuzzy quantitative definition, type-one fuzzy quantitative definition, interval type-two fuzzy quantitative definition, and misinformation identification engineering.  For the InfoSci-Dictionary, Solo wrote or co-wrote definitions for these 17 terms coined by other people:   engineering, fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets, type-two fuzzy set, footprint of uncertainty, computational theory of perceptions and computing with words, data mining, data analytics, disinformation, misinformation, defamation, cyberlibel, fake news, doxing, impersonation, deepfakes, and cyberbullying.  For the InfoSci-Dictionary, Solo contributed descriptions for these annual celebratory days that he originated for 19 fundamental physical constants and 4 greenhouse gases:  Vacuum Magnetic Permeability Day, Boltzmann Constant Day, Elementary Charge Day, Proton Mass Day, Proton-Electron Mass Ratio Day, Magnetic Flux Quantum Day, Von Klitzing Constant Day, Nitrous Oxide Day, Josephson Constant Day, Stefan-Boltzmann Constant Day, Carbon Dioxide Day, Methane Day, Planck Constant Day, Tropospheric Ozone Day, Gravitational Constant Day, Fine-Structure Constant Day, Conductance Quantum Day, Molar Gas Constant Day, Vacuum Electric Permittivity Day, Electron Mass Day, Faraday Constant Day, Standard Gravity Day, and Light Speed Day.

B-14. Synopsis of Reviewed and Edited Research Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo is the sole editor of these three research books:  Handbook of Research on Politics in the Computer Age, Handbook of Research on Political Activism in the Information Age, and Political Campaigning in the Information Age.  He has edited journal special issues on fuzzy logic and neural networks. 

Solo has edited conference proceedings books in numerous fields of intelligent systems engineering, computer engineering, and applied computing, such as computational intelligence, knowledge engineering, pattern recognition, embedded systems, software engineering, Internet computing, computer graphics, modeling, simulation, visualization, scientific computing, computer architecture, grid and cloud computing, parallel and distributed computing, e-commerce, e-learning, computer education, computer game development, etc.  Solo has done research or development in all of these fields.  He got researchers to submit research papers and was a reviewer of countless research papers.

Solo was an editor or associate editor of 6 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Advances in Big Data Analytics from 2014-2016; 30 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from 2007-2016; 4 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Science from 2015-2016; 14 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Computer Design from 2007-2013; 14 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality from 2007-2013; 2 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Communications in Computing for 2008; 28 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Scientific Computing from 2006-2019; 28 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government from 2006-2019; 18 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications from 2007-2015; 2 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Embedded Systems, Cyber-physical Systems, and Applications for 2016; 20 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science from 2007-2016; 28 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering from 2007-2019; 18 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Grid and Cloud Computing and Applications from 2007-2015; 2 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Grid, Cloud, and Cluster Computing for 2016; 16 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods from 2007-2014; 6 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems from 2015-2017; 44 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence from 2007-2019; 24 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Internet Computing from 2006-2017; 30 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Wireless Networks from 2006-2017; 30 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering from 2006-2019; 34 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition from 2007-2017; 2 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Information Theory and Statistical Learning for 2008; 2 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Applications for 2007; 26 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods from 2007-2019; 40 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications from 2007-2017; 32 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Security and Management from 2007-2019; 32 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice from 2006-2017; 4 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice & Conference on Programming Languages & Compilers for 2006; and 18 conference proceedings books for The International Conference on Semantic Web & Web Services from 2006-2014.  Each of these conference proceedings books included numerous reviewed research papers.  First and final editions of the conference proceedings books were published every year.  Final editions include many more research papers than the first editions.​

B-15. Synopsis of Presentations of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo made countless research and development presentations on the research described above and other research and development projects.  He taught intelligent systems and data mining short courses.  He was an intelligent systems exhibitor for the Saskatchewan Neuroscience Network Brain Awareness Week.

C. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Engineering Development (Not Resulting in Research Publications) of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo co-developed innovative software applications for matching and networking.  For engineering employee or consultant positions at university research and development labs and companies, Solo developed or co-developed online banking rewards systems using fuzzy logic, neural network simulations, control system simulations, robotic arm interface firmware and hardware, multiprocessor firmware and application software, environmental controller firmware (decreases energy losses, which results in less burning of non-renewable fossil fuels, reduced global warming, decreased air pollution and acid rain, reduced harm to the environment and wildlife from obtaining fossil fuels, and less nuclear waste), automation software for semiconductor device characterization, VLSI optimization software, and call processing software for telephone switches.  Although Solo wrote internal company or university reports on most of the preceding, he wasn’t authorized to write research papers for publication on the preceding to protect against competition by other companies or university researchers or because Solo’s project was part of a larger project.

At a small HVAC systems company, Solo designed interfacing hardware and real-time embedded system software stored on EEPROM for an environmental controller with a Zilog Z80 microprocessor, wrote a report describing all environmental controller software that he developed, developed real-time embedded system software to simulate various control system algorithms to measure performance criteria, and developed user-interface embedded system software for environmental controllers. 

In the Circuit Design Department at Allied Signal Aerospace Canada (renamed as Honeywell Aerospace), Solo performed hardware support for aircraft environmental control systems.  He gained experience in circuit analysis, board testing and debugging, electronic assembly, and using electronics test equipment.  He worked on developing a model for simulation with SPICE software. 

In the Math Faculty Hardware Design Lab at the University of Waterloo, Solo designed, tested, and documented hardware and firmware stored on EEPROM for the front-end interface of a sophisticated robot arm, designed various sensor and computer interface test circuits, developed serial port (RS-232) and interrupt-driven parallel port (PIA) input/output routines for a complex multiprocessor communications system, developed a robot motion control language and embedded control language file parser, and wrote a report describing the robot motion control language and parser. 

At Northern Telecom Electronics (a division of Northern Telecom, which was renamed as Nortel Networks), Solo worked on characterization and analysis of electronic devices developed with a new local interconnect technology.  Solo designed software to automate several tedious semiconductor characterization processes.  The wafer probe was connected to other electronic test equipment and a computer via the HPIB (IEEE 488) bus.  The computer automatically manipulated electronic test equipment for numerous input parameters and recorded all device characterization results without an operator being present.  Solo wrote and presented a report on the device characterization results and the consistency of these results with theoretical expectations.  He worked on debugging a system that investigates long-term reliability of silicon material considering electromigration phenomena.  He acquired a broader knowledge of semiconductor device physics and the wafer fabrication process. 

In the Computer Architecture Lab in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Waterloo, Solo assisted in design and testing of an experimental multiprocessor for discrete event simulations, debugged and reconfigured Intel 8086 microprocessor boards, created a configuration language for the multiprocessor and developed parser firmware stored on an EEPROM to process input files based on the language syntax, wrote a report describing the configuration language and parser, designed real-time application software that uses multiple processors for program execution, and extensively modified memory allocation and I/O routines for the multiprocessor’s kernel. 

In the VLSI Group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Waterloo, Solo designed computer optimization software for VLSI circuits and acquired knowledge of VLSI constraints and some algorithms used for optimization. 

In the DMS International department at Bell-Northern Research (later became part of Nortel Networks) when he was 17 years old too, Solo designed real-time embedded system software to provide a two-way voice connection feature for operators working at DMS-100 family telephone switches.  He utilized software engineering methodology in development of this feature including requirement specification, design document preparation, implementation (coding), code review, testing, validation, documentation, and presentation.  He optimized, debugged, and tested real-time embedded system DMS call processing code. 

In the Fiber World department of Bell-Northern Research when he was 17 years old, Solo converted data structures into a standard network protocol, evaluated a protocol test system, and developed an object-oriented model for telecommunications software. 

In the College of Engineering at University of Saskatchewan starting when he was 13 years old, Solo did software development for neural network, chaotic system, and control system simulations.

Solo did much more research and development work in small companies and for his own companies.  Much of this research and development is summarized elsewhere in this condensed professional biography, but some of this research and development is confidential until publicly released.​

D. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Military, Engineering, Math, Political, and Other Positions of Ashu M. G. Solo

D-1. Synopsis of Military Appointment and Occupation of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo previously served honorably as an infantry officer (military occupation) and platoon commander understudy (regiment appointment) in the Cdn. Army Reserve Infantry.  Infantry officers fight by bullet, blade, blunt force, and grenade and lead infantrymen in doing the same.  The infantry is called the "tip of the spear" because it puts freedom over fear and engages directly against the enemy with support from the rest of the military in service of liberty.  Solo was second in command of an understaffed infantry platoon of 20 private recruit infantrymen.  At the age of 23, he already outranked every senior and junior non-commissioned member in the Canadian army, navy, and air force including countless military members serving since before he was born.  A military member can start directly as an officer outranking non-commissioned members if he has a university education and can meet much tougher standards.  Solo scored the highest mark ever in his recruiting area on the Canadian Armed Forces Officer Aptitude Examination.  While other people chose personal safety over liberty, serving in the infantry is being willing to die for liberty.

D-2. Synopsis of Engineering and Math Research and Development Positions of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo owns and operates his own engineering and math research and development companies.  He worked in four engineering or math entrepreneurial positions; three nontechnical entrepreneurial positions; nine engineering employee positions in research and development labs including Math Faculty Hardware Design Lab at University of Waterloo, Computer Architecture Lab at University of Waterloo, VLSI Lab at University of Waterloo, College of Engineering at University of Saskatchewan, Circuit Design Department at Allied Signal Aerospace Canada, Semiconductor Components Group at Northern Telecom Electronics, DMS International at Bell-Northern Research, Fiberworld at Bell-Northern Research, etc.; and eight engineering or math consultant positions for small companies. 

D-3. Synopsis of Engineering Activity Positions of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo was an international program committee member for 20 research multiconferences, 395 individual research conferences, 3 research conference workshops, and 2 research conference sessions.  Solo was the publicity chair of 19 of these multiconferences, 389 of these conferences, 1 of these workshops, and 1 of these sessions.  Solo publicized the NN3 Artificial Neural Network & Computational Intelligence Forecasting Competition.  Solo has been on 2 editorial advisory boards for research books, an editorial board for a research journal, 10 IEEE technical committees, 2 IEEE technical councils, and 2 IEEE task forces. 

Solo was a program committee member and publicity chair of the following annual multiconference in each of the years indicated:  World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (2006-2024).  A different international program committee is formed each year.

Solo was a program committee member of the following multiconference:  2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering.  

Solo was a program committee member and publicity chair of each of the following individual annual conferences in each of the years indicated:  The International Conference on Advances in Big Data Analytics (2014-2017), The International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2006-2024), The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Science (2015-2024), The International Conference on Computer Design (2006-2013), The International Conference on Computer Games Development (2006), The International Conference on Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality (2006-2013), The International Conference on Communications in Computing (2006), The International Conference on Computing in Nanotechnology (2006), The International Conference on Data Mining (2006-2017), The International Conference on Embedded Systems & Applications (2006-2015), The International Conference on Embedded Systems, Cyber-physical Systems, and Applications (2016-2024), The International Conference on Scientific Computing (2006-2024), The International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (2006-2024), The International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (2006-2024), The International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science (2006-2024), The International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications (2006-2015), The International Conference on Grid, Cloud, and Cluster Computing (2016-2024), The International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods (2007-2014), The International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems (2015-2024), The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2006-2024), The International Conference on Data Science (2018-2024), The International Conference on Internet Computing (2006-2024), The International Conference on Wireless Networks (2006-2024), The International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (2006-2024), The International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (2006-2024), The International Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies & Applications (2006 and 2008), The International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (2006-2024), The International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Applications (2007), The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (2006-2024), The International Conference on Programming Languages & Compilers (2006), The International Conference on Pervasive Systems & Computing (2006), The International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems & Applications (2006), The International Conference on Security and Management (2006-2024), The International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (2006-2024), and The International Conference on Semantic Web & Web Services (2006-2014).  A different international program committee is formed each year for each conference.

Solo was a program committee member of the following individual conferences in each of the years indicated:  The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Application (2012-2016) and Fourth International Symposium on Neural Networks (2007).  A different international program committee is formed each year for each conference.

Solo was a program committee member and publicity chair of The 2011 International Workshop on Innovation in Health Informatics at The 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing.

Solo was a program committee member of the following workshop in each of the years indicated:  IEEE Workshop on Merging Fields of Computational Intelligence and Sensor Technology (2011 and 2013).  This workshop was part of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (2011 and 2013).  A different international program committee is formed each year for each workshop.

Solo was a program committee member and publicity chair of the Cognitive Aspects of Robotics:  Theory and Applications session in The 2012 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Solo was a program committee member of the Special Session on Biologically Inspired Sensing, Computing, and Control at the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (2011).

Solo was on the editorial board for the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications for Smart Devices.  He was on the editorial advisory boards for Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Modeling and Simulation as well as Political Scandal, Corruption, and Legitimacy in the Age of Social Media.  Solo is on the interim editor-in-chief board for IGI Global.

Solo was a reviewer for a research book proposal as well as countless research book chapters, research chapter proposals, and research papers.  Solo was a reviewer for these research books:  Handbook of Research on Politics in the Computer Age; Political Scandal, Corruption, and Legitimacy in the Age of Social Media; Handbook of Research on Political Activism in the Information Age; Political Campaigning in the Information Age; Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Modeling and Simulation; Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Computer Science and Engineering; and Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Economics and Business.  

Solo was a reviewer for these research journals:  IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems:  Applications in Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Journal of Robotics, Security and Communication Networks, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and Journal of Information Technology & Politics.  

Solo was a reviewer for these multiconferences:  2024 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2023 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2022 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2021 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2020 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2014 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2011; 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering; 2008 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing; and 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing.

Solo was a judge of engineering projects at an IEEE North Saskatchewan Section Design Competition event, a senior judge of science fair projects on astronautics for the American Astronautical Society, a judging team leader for engineering projects at a Canada-Wide Science Fair competition, a head judge for the engineering and computing sciences division at a Saskatoon Regional Science Fair competition, and a judge of engineering projects at two Saskatoon Regional Science Fair competitions.

Solo was a chairperson of a university student branch of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for two terms.  He was on two boards of directors for engineering companies.  He was a conference session chair five times and a panel moderator.

Solo is a member of the IEEE Fuzzy Markup Language Working Group.  This group is creating an IEEE standard for fuzzy markup language.  At its meeting on October 20, 2022, Solo suggested to the working group that they add features to fuzzy markup language for Lotfi Zadeh's computing with words methodology, Zadeh's Z-mouse tool, fuzzy data mining, and fuzzy database queries.  Also, Solo suggested to the working group that they should look at the Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, FuzzyCLIPS, FuzzyJess, and FuzzySQL to make sure all of the features of these languages are included in fuzzy markup language.  The working group was receptive to these ideas.  Solo recently joined the IEEE Neural Network Architecture Schema Working Group (NNASWG).

Solo was a member of the following technical committees and technical councils in each of the years indicated:  IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (2019 and 2020), IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on the Internet (2019 and 2020), IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning Technology (2019 and 2020), IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems (2019 and 2020), IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing (2020). IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Simulation (2020), IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering (2019 and 2020).  A different technical committee or technical council is formed each year.  He has done research or development in all of these fields.

Solo was a member of the following task forces:  IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Technical Committee on Neural Networks Task Force on Applications (2011) and IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Technical Committee on Neural Networks Task Force on Education (2011).  He has done research and development on neural networks.

D-4. Synopsis of Political Positions of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo was a representative on the City of Saskatoon Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee and its Living in Harmony Ad Hoc Subcommittee.  He got the Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee to stop wasting so much taxpayer money on expenses that do nothing to enhance respect for diversity.  On the Living in Harmony Ad Hoc Subcommittee, he judged submissions for a literary contest.  He was the CEO or acting CEO for four geographical associations of federal and provincial political parties.  He was on the policy committee and the platform committee for a provincial political party.  He was a political and public policy advisor for a town councillor.  He informally advised many politicians and candidates on politics and public policy.

D-5. Synopsis of Other Positions of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo was the president of the Indian Students Association at University of Waterloo for a term and was on the executive for another term.  He was a master of ceremonies four times.  He did miscellaneous volunteer work summarized below for numerous organizations.

E. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Awards and Honors for Engineering, Math, and Science Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo was awarded a fellowship with the British Computer Society and a membership in BCS ELITE.  He won a lifetime achievement award, two outstanding achievement awards, two distinguished service awards, and three achievement awards.  He has been listed in numerous editions of Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, Dictionary of International Biography, and Canadian Who's Who.

The easiest to obtain award that Solo won for his contributions to engineering and math was the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal.  Unfortunately, this achievement award is named after the queen.  Solo strongly opposes the monarchy.  Winning this achievement medal does not indicate or require support of the monarchy.  While this medal was named after the queen to honor her, Solo uses his winning of the medal as an opportunity to discredit her:  Solo strongly opposes the bigotry of the monarchy and so-called royalty including the head of state being from only one family; the so-called royal family being treated with superiority; the inequality for everyone else in society; the forcing of people with honor, self-worth, and dignity to swear allegiance to royalty; the forcing of people from countries savagely subjugated by the monarchy to swear allegiance to royalty; the murderous and tyrannical history of the royal family; the awarding of honorary appointments in the military to the royal family without any sacrifices for liberty; the depictions of the monarch on stamps and the money without having earned these honors like other people in society; the naming of geographical locations after royalty without having earned these honors like others in society; the extreme riches and luxuries for the royal family without needing to earn them like other people in society; and the staff, servants, palaces, and free vacations for the royal family.  While other people were happy to be subjects of royalty, Solo fought for liberty.  While other people accepted, ignored, or failed to recognize the bigotry of monarchy, Solo fought for equity.

F. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Reviewed Public Policy and Political Commentary Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

​While other people only told their opinions to kith and kin, Solo stated his opinions in reviewed publications.  These include published op-ed articles, published letters to the editor, and published poems.  He writes an op-ed article if he has a lot to say about an issue, a letter to the editor if he has a little to say about an issue, and a poem if one pops into his head about an issue.

F-1. Synopsis of Reviewed Public Policy Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

In reviewed public policy publications related to the monarchy, Solo condemned the bigotry of the monarchy and monarchists, derided the desire for servility of monarchists, called for removal of the queen on Canadian currency, called for replacement of Victoria Day and Remembrance Day with Veterans Day and Memorial Day in Canada, praised the U.S. for not having a royal blood line, called for American politicians to criticize monarchy and royalty instead of respecting it, and criticized the Canadian Armed Forces for an unfair decision to invest Prince Charles as an extraordinary commander of the Order of Military Merit.

In reviewed public policy publications related to children’s rights, Solo called for specific measures to prevent children from being abused by Catholic clergy and called for letting all children play on school sports teams.

In reviewed public policy publications related to corruption and the justice system, Solo repeatedly condemned police corruption, condemned border guard corruption, said racial profiling should be called “racist profiling” to make clear that the practice is racist and make politicians and others less likely to support it, called for abolition of the death penalty, and called for the elimination of traffic enforcement cameras because the tickets go to vehicle owners rather than vehicle drivers.

In reviewed public policy publications related to religious liberty, Solo called for a school division to end prayer recitations, called for the Canadian national anthem to be made gender neutral and secular, repeatedly called for secularism, and repeatedly called for protecting the rights of religious minorities

In reviewed public policy publications related to education, Solo called for renaming a school sports team to be respectful of Indigenous people and girls, called for disability accommodation, called for disability accommodation in education, and called for moving drama and dance departments from universities to community colleges.

In reviewed public policy publications related to the military, Solo called for ending drone strikes, called for infantry officers and infantrymen to not be referred to as “boots on the ground,” criticized Louise Arbour's shoddy recommendations for the Canadian Armed Forces and made better recommendations for preventing sexual assaults, called for naming streets after war veterans and researchers, called for military intervention against ISIS and Boko Haram, and attacked Tom Moore for serving in an imperialist force and not expressing regrets or attempting to make reparations

In reviewed public policy publications related to the environment, Solo called for not wasting energy on outdoor lighting when it isn’t dark outside, called for eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, called for outlawing venting and flaring, called for a ban on fracking, called for LEDs and better controllers for street lights, and criticized Monsanto.

In reviewed public policy publications related to COVID-19, Solo called for more frequent and more complete reporting of COVID-19 data by the Government of Saskatchewan.In reviewed public policy publications related to COVID-19, Solo called for $50 payments for getting COVID-19 vaccinations while simultaneously increasing taxes enough, particularly on the rich, to recover that money and called for more frequent and more complete reporting of COVID-19 data by the Government of Saskatchewan.  He sent these publications to the health minister and premier.

In reviewed public policy publications related to municipal government (local government) policy, Solo called for mayors to no longer be referred to as “your worship,” “her worship,” or “his worship,” called for buses to be running until an hour after bars and nightclubs close to prevent driving while intoxicated, called for John A. Macdonald Road in Saskatoon to be named after an Indigenous hero because of Macdonald’s extremely abusive policies against Indigenous people, called for snow ramp removal on Saskatoon bridges and overpasses, and called for more snow removal and deicing in Saskatoon.

F-2. Synopsis of Reviewed Political Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

In reviewed political publications attacking Republicans, Solo called for revocation of George H. W. Bush’s honorary degrees for admitted groping, said there shouldn’t have been a state funeral for George H. W. Bush because of his admitted groping, condemned George W. Bush and Dick Cheney multiple times for evading military service in the Vietnam War, and condemned Ben Carson for supporting a religious test for the presidency.

Solo prefers Democrats over Republicans, but in reviewed political publications admonishing Democrats, Solo criticized Democrats for not impeaching Donald Trump for more abuses of power, criticized Democrats for not calling more witnesses during Trump’s second impeachment trial to show the public what happened, criticized Democrats for accepting stolen elections by George W. Bush, criticized Barack Obama for stopping torture prosecutions of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, criticized Joe Biden for suggesting that he could end cancer, called for Congressman Seth Moulton to be in the Democratic presidential debates, criticized Ruth Bader Ginsburg for not leaving the Supreme Court when a Democratic president could appoint her replacement, condemned Bernie Sanders for running against Democrats in general elections, criticized Sanders for his admission that he’s a one issue candidate, and criticized Michigan gubernatorial candidate Shri Thanedar for not living up to his claims of being a progressive.

In reviewed political publications attacking Canadian politicians, Solo called for Canadian senators with invalid expense claims to repay the costs of independent audits, criticized Brad Wall for going on the radio to talk about football instead of public policy, and excoriated members of Saskatoon City Council for opposing secularism, endangering the public with inadequate snow removal and deicing, and wasteful spending on a new police station when the old one was fine, a new art gallery when the old one was fine, Tasers for police, a transit employee lockout, and excessive salaries and benefits for councillors.

Solo has many reviewed publications on different aspects of liberty, governance, and duty to humanity.  Solo wrote a letter to the editor calling for Alice Sebold to compensate someone who she admits wrongfully accusing of a crime with the money she made on a book about this crime.

After Centre for Inquiry Canada had an online chat party called Christmyth Social, Solo wrote a published article proposing Christmyth as a holiday alternative to Christmas for people who aren't Christian.  Solo wrote a published article proposing Feaster as a holiday alternative to Easter for people who aren't Christian.  While other people only posted their opinions on social media, Solo told his opinions with the actual media.​. 

G. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Unreviewed Webpages of Ashu M. G. Solo

​Solo's list of over 1010 reviewed publications doesn't include countless unreviewed webpages that he created.  Solo co-designed 2 innovative dynamic web applications that will be launched after patent specifications are filed.  Solo designed and wrote content for 2 biographical websites, 2 portfolio websites, 10 websites for entrepreneurial activities, 19 Facebook pages for entrepreneurial activities, 8 blogs for research publication promotion and research promotion, 17 ResearchGate project pages for research publication promotion and research promotion, 9 Facebook pages for research publication promotion and research promotion, 1 website for editorial activities, 59 blogs for editorial activities (calls for papers), 24 Facebook pages for editorial activities, 3 engineering project blogs, 10 blogs for political commentary promotion and political cause promotion, 24 Facebook pages for political commentary promotion and political cause promotion, 2 blogs for secular holiday alternatives, 2 Facebook pages for secular holiday alternatives, 1 webpage for scientific awareness days, 6 blogs for scientific awareness days, 6 Facebook pages for scientific awareness days, 11 blogs for activist cause promotion, 3 social network pages for political party associations, 4 recommended literature blogs, and countless webpages for corruption whistleblowing.  He put together 7 quotation compilation blogs.  Solo has countless more webpages with development in progress.

H. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Selected Corruption Whistleblowing of Ashu M. G. Solo

Because of Solo’s whistleblowing, a corrupt police officer was placed on desk duty, an academic program was cancelled, and members of an ethics committee resigned.  He made over 10 ethics complaints against professors.  He did much more corruption whistleblowing.  While other people lived in pusillanimity and accepted the status quo of society, Solo fought against discrimination and corruption with all of his intrepidity.

I. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Other Selected Civil Rights and Progressive Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

In his spare time, Solo has become an extremely experienced civil rights activist, progressive activist, and corruption whistleblower.  Solo has fought against police corruption and brutality, other law enforcement corruption and brutality, military corruption, political party corruption, university corruption, monarchy, racist profiling, the death penalty, religious discrimination, racial discrimination, ethnic discrimination, age discrimination, disability discrimination, gender discrimination, sexual harassment and assault, other violations of civil rights and civil liberties, climate change, harmful genetically modified foods, driving while intoxicated, government waste, government incompetence, political party incompetence, political conservatism, etc.  He fought for modernization and improvement of the government, the military, law enforcement, and schools.  Solo has been covered by the media hundreds of times for his civil rights and progressive activism.  His activism has caused significant change in numerous organizations.  While other people succumbed to apathy, complacency, timidity, or bigotry and accepted tyranny, injustice, and inequity, Solo fought with vigor, vision, and valor for liberty, justice, and equity.

I-1. Synopsis of Selected Law Enforcement Corruption Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides being a whistleblower about extensive corruption by the police and border guards that he witnessed and writing eight published commentaries against law enforcement corruption, Solo complained to numerous politicians about inadequate measures to fight law enforcement corruption and brutality and racist profiling.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote his publications against law enforcement criminality.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote his publications for justice reform.  Solo complained to Saskatoon City Council about police corruption and brutality, street checks by police, no body-worn cameras on police officers, no minority representation and the mayor being on the Board of Police Commissioners, and Tasers for police.  He helped organize a police corruption protest for the October 22 Coalition because those who enforce the law can't be above the law.  While other people accepted or perpetrated corruption in law enforcement, Solo fought against corruption in law enforcement.enforcement.
I-2. Synopsis of Selected Anti-Monarchy Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides having seven published political commentaries criticizing the monarchy, Solo complained to Saskatoon Public Schools about students being brainwashed to support the monarchy by having them sing "God Save the Queen," a prayer for the queen to reign over people.  Solo never sang this.  Solo contacted councils to recommend renaming streets named after British royals.  Solo suggested to the minister of national defence and Department of National Defence that royals shouldn't receive honorary ranks, that regiments shouldn't be named after royals, that naval ships shouldn't be named after the monarch, and that military members should be free to criticize the monarch.  Solo started a petition calling for the queen to be removed from Canadian currency after writing a published letter to the editor about this.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote some of his publications against the monarchy and royalty.  He did much more anti-monarchy activism.  While a lot of people are willing to be subservient to so-called royalty, Solo demands meritocracy and equality.
I-3.​. Synopsis of Selected Children's Rights and Anti-Molestation Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo fights for the most vulnerable in society.  Solo is engaging in anti-pedophile activism and children’s rights activism.  He made recommendations to the Catholic Church to prevent the abuse of children by church staff.  These recommendations were implemented in at least one region so far.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote his publication against child abuse in the Catholic church.

Solo complained to a research publisher about two of its journals publishing three research papers justifying acts of pedophilia.  This was investigated by the publisher.  He complained to the Facilitation and Integrity Subcommittee of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) about the publisher accepting and not retracting such deleterious, despicable, and disgraceful papers.  He complained to a university about a journal editor not stopping publication of one of these deplorable, detestable, and disturbing papers.  This was investigated by the university.  Solo fights for children because they're too young to fight for themselves.

Solo made six recommendations on preventing sexual assaults in the Canadian Armed Forces for the study on addressing sexual misconduct issues in the Canadian Armed Forces of the Standing Committee on National Defence for the House of Commons of Canada as well as the study on sexual misconduct within the Canadian Armed Forces of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women for the House of Commons of Canada.

Solo wrote an op-ed article and contacted seven universities about revoking George H. W. Bush’s honorary degrees because of his admitted groping.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote his publications against sexual harassment.​  He made a Facebook page to promote his publications for children's rights.​  He created a webpage to warn users of Springhurst Park and its playground in Ottawa about a nearby home for formerly convicted pedophile priests.​

I-4. Synopsis of Selected Secularism Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo launched a civil rights case against the City of Saskatoon (Mayor’s Office) and a city councillor for prayer recitations at government organized events.  With the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Centre for Inquiry Canada, and Canadian Secular Alliance supporting Solo’s position, Solo sought a judgment that has the effect of banning prayer recitations at government organized events throughout the province of Saskatchewan and that has significant persuasive value in other provinces too. The City of Saskatoon ended prayer recitations at its events.  This case got major media coverage for every development.  While other people sought to conform, Solo sought to reform.  

Solo launched a civil rights case against the City of Saskatoon (Saskatoon Transit Services) for promoting only one religion on city buses.  He sought a judgment that has the effect of banning religious messages by government organizations throughout the province of Saskatchewan and that has significant persuasive value in other provinces too.  This case got major media coverage for every development.  While other people perpetrated religious discrimination with bigotry or accepted religious discrimination with pusillanimity, Solo fought for inclusivity and religious liberty.  

Opponents of Solo's secularism cases are Christian supremacists, who are as bad as white supremacists.  Being a Christian supremacist doesn't require being Christian; there are atheists who are Christian supremacists.  Christian supremacists believe that people in the majority should be treated with superiority and that the religion of the majority should be the de facto religion of the country.  

Christian supremacists argue that it's fine for the government to promote Christmas and for December 25 to be a statutory holiday because Christmas is already a secular celebration to people, but the people they’re talking about are mostly of Christian ancestry and the same can be said about all religious holidays.  Hanukkah is a secular celebration to non-Jews who are of Jewish ancestry and Eid al-Fitr is a secular celebration to non-Muslims who are of Muslim ancestry, but the U.S. and other western countries don’t have federal or statutory holidays for any religion but Christianity.

Many people tried using actual and implied threats of violence to intimidate Solo into dropping his cases for religious liberty, but serving in the infantry is being willing to die for liberty, so as a former officer in the infantry, Solo will never surrender to agents of hatred and bigotry.  He who has the courage to stay the course on the ship of a righteous cause in a tumultuous and intolerant sea will weather the storm of bigotry and hatred and see the darkness of tyranny subside for the calm dawn of liberty.

Solo made many more secularism complaints directly to organizations, but didn't tell the media about them because he didn't need to file civil rights cases or didn't have legal standing to file civil rights cases.  For example, Solo complained to two school divisions about prayer recitations in public schools, recommended that a secular school adopt a secular name, convinced two principals at a school to end Christian Bible scenes in their concerts and plays, and did much more secularism activism.  Solo’s civil rights activism gets results.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote his publications for religious liberty including secularism.

Solo fought for secularism because Canada isn't supposed to be a Christian country.  It's supposed to be a secular multireligious country.  Canada needs to respect everybody.  It needs to protect the rights of the minority from the discriminatory will of the majority.  Government promotion of only Christianity is analogous to going to a restaurant where there is only one menu option and the restaurateur force feeds you with that single option.  Secularism is analogous to going to a restaurant and being able to eat whatever you want.  The former is suitable for some people.  The latter is suitable for all people.  Solo's opponents were fighting for some people.  Solo was fighting for all people.
I-5. Synopsis of Selected Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Equity Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides writing many published commentaries for racial, ethnic, and gender equity, Solo complained to Saskatoon City Council about a lack of reconciliation with Indigenous people and a road being named after John A. Macdonald after he caused extreme suffering to Indigenous people.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote his publication and activism calling for John A. Macdonald Road in Saskatoon to be renamed.  Solo complained to Saskatoon City Council about the flag being put at half-mast only for a bombing in a predominantly white country like England, but not for bombings in predominantly nonwhite countries in the Middle East, Africa, or Asia.

Solo complained to Saskatoon Public Schools about Bedford Road Collegiate having a team name that discriminates against Indigenous students and girls.  Countless other people complained about the team name discriminating against Indigenous students too.

Solo suggested to Boy Scouts of America that the organization change its name to reflect that girls can join.  Within four months of Solo making this suggestion, Boy Scouts of America officially changed the name of its scouting program from "Boy Scouts" to "Scouts BSA."

Solo complained to Walmart about the store selling decorative license plates with the Confederate battle flag.  He complained to a Shoppers Drug Mart manager about a security guard following him around a store due to racist profiling.

Solo started a petition calling for the English and French versions of the Canadian national anthem to be updated to respect diversity and not discriminate against females, immigrants, non-Christians, atheists, agnostics, polytheists, and spiritual people who don’t believe in a God after writing a published letter to the editor about this.

Solo complained to a television network about one of its series promoting criminality, barbarity, and gender inequality by promoting polygamy.  Solo complained to a radio show about it broadcasting a comedy routine that mocked some Italian immigrants for not speaking English well.

Solo made a Facebook page to promote his publications related to black American and black Canadian rights, a Facebook page to promote his publications related to native American and Indigenous Canadian rights, a Facebook page to promote his publications related to Hispanic and Latino American and Hispanic and Latino Canadian rights, a Facebook page to promote his publications related to Middle Eastern American and Middle Eastern Canadian rights, as well as a Facebook page to promote his publications related to Asian American and Asian Canadian rights.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote his publications for gender equity.  He did much more racial, ethnic, and gender equity activism.  Solo fought to stop males from discriminating against females and stop the majority from discriminating against the minority.
I-6. Synopsis of Selected Government Accountability Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

After Solo filed a secularism civil rights case against the City of Saskatoon (Mayor's Office) and a city councillor as well as a secularism civil rights case against the City of Saskatoon (Saskatoon Transit Services), he was clearly retaliated against.  Solo filed a human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (Executive Committee) for retaliating against Solo by not reappointing him to the Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee, a human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (City Solicitor’s Office) for retaliating against Solo by trying to deprive him of his right to directly communicate with members of City Council, and a human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Office) and City of Saskatoon (Living in Harmony Ad Hoc Subcommittee of Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee) for retaliating against Solo by not considering his submissions to a literary contest.  These complaints got some media coverage.

Solo filed three code of conduct complaints against two Saskatoon mayors during two city election campaigns for violations of the code with their online campaign advertising.  These complaints got some media coverage.  Solo was interviewed by a media organization over his complaints about the City of Saskatoon excessively spending $1.5 million on an improved website.  Solo complained about Saskatoon City Council members unanimously voting in favor of a request for raising the flag of Turkey at Saskatoon City Hall for Turkey's Republic Day shortly after Turkey started an ethnic cleansing operation against Kurds in northeastern Syria.  This complaint got media coverage.  

After seeing the Saskatoon mayor, Charlie Clark, being repeatedly called "your worship" and "his worship" at City Council meetings without any objection from Clark, Solo challenged Clark to make a public statement that he doesn't want to be called this anymore, but Clark didn't accept the challenge.  

Solo complained to Saskatoon City Council about the full-time salaries and excessive benefits that city councillors decided to give themselves with taxpayer money for part-time jobs and the City of Saskatoon Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee wasting taxpayer money on a retreat at an extravagant location and souvenir tote bags.  He complained to Saskatoon City Council about bad spending priorities including a lack of snow removal and deicing, potholes not being repaired, $200,000 spent on a user experience audit and analysis for the website when anyone could see what the problems were, an unneeded new police station, a basketball gym for the police, an unneeded bridge, a new art gallery when the old one was fine, a new downtown library when the current one is fine, a new downtown arena when the current one is fine, and the City of Saskatoon spending more on consultants than the City of Toronto.  Solo complained to Saskatoon City Council about bad ideas to raise money including a transit lockout, plans to charge parking fees in the evenings and bridge tolls, and the use of red light cameras and photo radar boxes when the tickets go to vehicle owners rather than vehicle drivers.

Solo suggested to Saskatoon City Council measures for fighting homelessness instead of the homeless, a two-term limit on holding the office of mayor, an indoor waiting room for people taking buses from the downtown terminal, buses running until after bars and nightclubs close to prevent driving while intoxicated, and an independent committee to adjudicate code of conduct complaints against City Council members.

Solo started a petition calling for Canadian senators with invalid expense claims to repay the costs of independent audits after writing a published letter to the editor about this.

Solo submitted a recommendation for the Profile in Courage Award to the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation.  He recommended Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for defying their own political party and probably ruining their chances for reelection to defend democracy and hold people responsible for the insurrection.  

Solo did much more government accountability activism.  Solo made these complaints because in a democracy, the government doesn’t just hold people accountable, but people should hold government accountable.  Not only are people the business of government, but government is the business of people.​

I-7. Synopsis of Selected Educational Reform Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo wrote an op-ed article and contacted 25 school boards about eliminating tryouts for school sports teams.  He made a Facebook page to promote his publications for educational reform.

Solo started a petition calling for the employment termination of a professor who publicly made discriminatory, bigoted, and ignorant comments about some people applying for graduate student admissions.

Solo complained to Saskatoon Public Schools that the curriculum has a heavy emphasis on old English stories by William Shakespeare while having very little emphasis on modern grammar, punctuation, and style.  Solo complained to Saskatoon Public Schools that the curriculum has a heavy emphasis on performing arts (singing and acting) while completely ignoring engineering education and military education.  Furthermore, he complained to Saskatoon Public Schools about the curriculum not covering evolution theory, residential schools, and slavery in Canada.  He did much more educational reform activism.  Solo made these complaints to try to bring the educational system into the 21st century.  

I-8. Synopsis of COVID-19 Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo made a complaint with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan against the chief medical health officer of Saskatchewan for not using his legal authority to order enough measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 because of a lack of competence, compassion, or concern.  This complaint, which got media coverage, put additional pressure on the chief medical health officer to order more measures.  This complaint resulted in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan deciding to send a letter of concern to the chief medical health officer.

Solo made a second complaint with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan against the chief medical health officer of Saskatchewan for refusing to answer questions from journalists on whether the Saskatchewan premier is right that vaccines don't reduce the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.  The premier was spreading dangerous disinformation and the chief medical health officer didn't have the intrepidity, honor, or integrity to contradict the premier's disinformation.  The chief medicalhealth officer put the Saskatchewan premier over the Saskatchewan people, the Saskatchewan Party over Saskatchewan public health, and his friendship with the premier over his professional responsibility as the chief medical health officer.  This complaint was dismissed because the Executive Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan thought it’s okay for the Saskatchewan chief medical health officer to refuse to contradict the premier's misinformation on vaccines not reducing the spread of COVID-19.  

Solo made a third complaint with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan against the chief medical health officer of Saskatchewan for suppressing public dissemination of COVID-19 data and getting rid of the self-isolation requirement for people with COVID-19.  This complaint was dismissed because the Executive Committee for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan followed a precedent from a court decision in British Columbia that found that chief medical officers shouldn't be subject to scrutiny from the provincial regulatory organization.

There's no avenue of appeal.  There's no point in complaining against the chief medical health officer of Saskatchewan with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan anymore because its Executive Committee has decided that chief medical health officers shouldn't be subject to its scrutiny.  

After Solo suggested to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health that it should provide information on the number of active COVID-19 cases in every city, town, and village or at least much smaller regions, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health started providing information on the number of active COVID-19 cases in much smaller regions.

Solo complained to five store managers about three stores taking poor or misguided precautions against coronavirus transmissions.  Solo complained to Walmart Canada five times about its representatives going right up to people during a pandemic to ask if they want a store credit card instead of socially distancing.  Now Solo hasn't seen them do this in a long time.  
I-9. Synopsis of Selected Environmental Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides writing 10 published research papers for environmental protection, Solo developed or co-developed power distribution system optimization methods, environmental controller firmware, and energy conservation methods that decrease energy losses, thus resulting in a more energy efficient system and less burning of non-renewable fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) to generate electricity.  Less burning of fossil fuels leads to reduced global warming, decreased air pollution and acid rain, diminished dependence on foreign oil, and reduced harm to the environment and wildlife from obtaining fossil fuels.  Reduced global warming elicits diminished severity of natural disasters caused by global warming, less extreme weather, diminished spread of infectious diseases, and less loss of life.  Decreased air pollution and acid rain induce fewer health problems, less harm to plant and aquatic life, and reduced damage of materials.  Diminished dependence on foreign oil reduces skewing and inequities in foreign policy.  In nuclear power plants, there would be diminished uranium consumption and hence less nuclear waste.  While other people protested and petitioned for environmental protection activity, Solo developed significant environmental protection technology.  

Solo complained to the City of Saskatoon about it dumping calcium carbonate and ferric sulfate in the South Saskatchewan River after seeing chemicals in the river by the shore while rowing in the river.  Besides writing an op-ed article about wasting energy on outdoor lighting when it isn't dark outside, Solo complained to Saskatoon Light & Power and SaskPower about street lights being on when it wasn’t dark outside and street lights not using LEDs.  

Solo co-organized an informational event on climate change and an informational event on genetically modified foods.  After receiving 360 vitamin supplements in six plastic bottles when the 360 supplements could have fit in one of the same bottles, Solo suggested that the vitamin manufacturer offer consumers the option of purchasing much larger quantities of supplements in each bottle to reduce plastic waste, shipping costs, and consumer prices.  

Solo is a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps started by Vice President Al Gore.  To fulfill his work for the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, Solo got permission from publishers to upload many of his published research papers for environmental protection onto the web to create online resources for power distribution system engineers.  He made a Facebook page to promote some of his publications for environmental protection.  Solo did much more environmental activism.
I-10. Synopsis of Selected Anti-Cyberbullying Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides writing four published research papers on combating cyberbullying, Solo made 7 written recommendations on effectively fighting cyberlibel and other online harm for the study on online hate of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights of the House of Commons of Canada.  Solo made 10 written recommendations on fighting cyberlibel and other online harms to the Canadian Commission on Democratic Expression and Canadian Citizens’ Assembly on Democratic Expression.  These committees are making recommendations to the Government of Canada.

I-11. Synopsis of Selected Miscellaneous Activism of Ashu M. G. Solo

Based on his observations during  his military service, Solo made over 50 recommendations to the Department of National Defence to improve the Canadian Armed Forces.  He made a website and Facebook page to promote his publications for disability rights.  He made a Facebook page to promote his publication to prevent driving while intoxicated and driving under the influence.  Solo made countless recommendations to the City of Saskatoon, Saskatoon Police Service, and Saskatoon Public Schools on how to correct and improve their services.  He made repeated complaints to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency against a company mislabeling food products.  This resulted in the company being forced to change its product labeling.  He complained to the CBC ombudsperson about the public broadcaster giving preferential treatment in its coverage to certain political parties.  He complained to the "Royal" Canadian Mint about it giving an unfair business advantage to Tim Hortons over other restaurants by making Tim Hortons a primary distributor of its poppy coins.  Solo engaged in much more civil rights and progressive activism.  While most people accept the world as it is, Solo strives to make the world as it should be.
J. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Selected Life Aid of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo tried to rescue four birds, and a veterinarian was able to save one of them.  He helped a refugee with a successful political asylum application.  After a kid got his shoelace stuck in an escalator, Solo quickly got him loose.  After an intoxicated person refused to get out of a woman's car and the woman called Solo for help, Solo got him out.  He convinced a young guy who was living with a Canadian gang engaging in criminality that he would be better off going to university.  After an older kid stole a hockey stick from a younger kid, Solo went and got the hockey stick back from the former for the latter.  After an older kid stole videogames from a younger kid, Solo went and got the videogames back from the former for the latter.  After driving by a person passed out in the snow on a sidewalk in the middle of a winter night when it was -13 F (-25 C), Solo stopped and made sure she got medical attention.  

K. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Other Publications of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo was one of eight people in Canada invited by the National Post to write a segment of an article on the best presents they ever received.  Solo said the best presents he ever received were a Commodore PET computer and Radio Shack electronics kit when he was six years old because they allowed him to do engineering development from the age of six and ignited his lifelong interests in electrical and computer engineering.  He suggested that parents buy educational presents for kids.

Solo wrote a true story about one of his dreams while asleep that was selected for publication in a book.  He wrote a published poem that illustrates the importance of punctuation as well as a published poem about the creative process.  Solo wrote a letter to the editor condemning the Academy Awards for not even nominating the biggest blockbuster in American history for best picture.  He said the real best picture is the one that people want to see.
L. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Primary Research Interests and Development Skills of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo's primary research interests are in the theory and applications of new fields, mathematics theory and applications, intelligent systems theory and applications, as well as politics and public policy.  His math research interests are in developing new branches of math that build on linear algebra, multivariable calculus, discrete mathematics, and Fractal geometry as well as in the application of Solo's new branches of math in intelligent systems, control systems, and other fields.  His intelligent systems research interests include fuzzy logic, knowledge-based systems, neurocomputing (neural networks), chaotic computing, evolutionary computing, and hybrid soft computing as well as the application of intelligent systems in control systems, computer architecture, power systems, optimization, pattern recognition, data mining, decision making, public policy, politics, and medical diagnosis.  His public policy research interests are in civil rights, civil liberties, military policy, government reform, technology policy, and education policy.  He is skilled and experienced in intelligent systems design, control systems design, digital electronics design, analog electronics design, mechatronics design, firmware design, software engineering, and DSP design.  While most researchers and developers can work in one, two, or a few fields, Solo has the formal academic education, self-education, and military education to do research or development in all of these fields.

M. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Academic, Military, Athletic, and Hands-On Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Like every other person in humanity, Solo can’t remember everything he learned in the past, especially what he learned a long time ago or didn't use again.  However, Solo remembers much more of what he learned than most people would because he has a better memory than the vast majority of people, because he tries to use as much as possible of what he learned, because he reviews some subjects, and because he takes engineering and math courses that build on many previous engineering and math courses he took.  Programming languages, hardware, and software rapidly become obsolete as new technology is continually released, so he might not have used or learned about the technology listed below for a long time.  Because Solo learned the following in the past, he can quickly review whatever he needs in the future.

M-1. Synopsis of Formal Academic Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo has taken 190 academic courses and short courses in engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, etc. from University of Waterloo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Cornell University, Open University, University of Colorado Boulder, Carleton University, University of Saskatchewan, IEEE, and 20 other academic organizations.  However, about 90% of the university courses that Solo took were in engineering, math, and science, and over 95% of the university courses that Solo took were from these top-tier universities:  University of Waterloo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and ivy league Cornell University.  University of Waterloo has the most difficult and most in-depth engineering and math courses and programs as well as the best curricula for these programs in his opinion.  Many of the fourth year undergraduate engineering courses at University of Waterloo are equivalent to graduate courses at other universities including top American universities.  Solo had to take nontechnical electives, but is more interested in engineering, math, and science courses.  Solo got 100% in numerous courses and short courses and 95% or more in countless courses and short courses.  For example, he got 100% in an MIT aerospace engineering course.  Because more knowledge feeds more research and development and publications, Solo keeps getting more education, doing more research and development, and getting more publications, even though he has taken more university courses in engineering, math, and science than most engineering professors and has more reviewed publications than the vast majority of professors. 

Solo was most formally educated after high school in electrical engineering, computer engineering, intelligent systems engineering, and pure and applied mathematics.  He was second most formally educated after high school in physics.  He was third most formally educated after high school in aerospace engineering, nutrition, exercise science, economics, and entrepreneurship.  He was fourth most formally educated after high school in chemistry, psychology, health, and law, but his education didn’t end there.  He learned about countless other topics from university graduate and undergraduate courses, research conference tutorials, professional association short courses, other short courses, books, audiobooks, etc.  He took courses and short courses from world-renowned researchers in engineering, math, and science and a former astronaut.  He took or had to take high school courses in math, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, science, history, economic history, psychology, English literature, French language, engines, industrial arts, consumer studies, physical education, etc. 

Through getting academic credit for countless research projects, development projects, and writing projects that he already completed on his own as well as from numerous extra graduate courses and undergraduate courses that he already took from eight universities, Solo is currently working on getting another university degree and going to keep working on getting many more university degrees.  While working on other research, development, and writing projects, he's working on one more degree at a time to avoid getting overloaded with work.​

M-2. Synopsis of Formal Academic Education of Ashu M. G. Solo in Engineering, Math, and Science

Solo took engineering courses and short courses covering the topics of higher order neural networks; neural networks; fuzzy neural systems; fuzzy logic; computational theory of perception and computing with words; evolutionary multiobjective optimization; autonomous systems; computer vision; intelligent control; optimal control; computer control applications; multivariable control systems; digital control systems; analog control systems; computer architecture; microprocessor systems and interfacing; computer organization; parallel and distributed computing; cloud and grid computing; computer communication networks; information security; code design; integrated VLSI systems; analog circuit analysis; analog electronics; analog circuits; digital systems engineering; digital electronics; software engineering; database system design; real-time operating system design; compiler, programming language, and translator design; data structures; assembly and machine language programming; visualization and virtual environments; dynamic web application development; software design and algorithms; voice assistant and chatbot development; text messaging service development; Python language development; signal processing; power generation, transmission, and distribution; smart grids; energy conversion and motors; power electronics; communication systems; transmission lines and electromagnetic fields; rocket propulsion; aerospace control; spacecraft environmental control and life support systems; orbital mechanics; microgravity; space physiology; extravehicular activity; aerospace system safety; kinematic design; engines; etc.

Solo took mathematics and engineering courses and short courses covering the math topics of epipolar and camera geometry, mathematical control, fuzzy math, fuzzy set theory and crisp set theory, graph and digraph theory, mathematical trees, planarity, graph theory and computing, network flows, optimal paths, assignment and transportation, physical networks, geometric design and finite projective geometry, block design, discrete mathematics, algebra of linear systems, linear algebra, signals and systems theory, mathematical transforms, deterministic mathematical programming, stochastics, statistics, applied probability, vector calculus, complex analysis, partial and ordinary differential equations, numerical methods, methods of integration, sequences and series, single variable calculus, mathematics of finance, Fractal geometry and chaos theory, Euclidean geometry, trigonometry, etc.

Solo took engineering and physics courses covering the physics topics of electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic field theory, semiconductor device physics, thermodynamics, mechanics, wave motion, geometrical and physical optics, sound, and astronomy.  He took other natural science courses and short courses covering the topics of chemistry for engineers, nutrition and diet, disease prevention and treatment with nutrition, nutrition and society, nutrition and health, exercise science, health, human physiology, plant physiology, animal physiology, genetics, climate change, etc.  

M-3. Synopsis of Formal Academic Education of Ashu M. G. Solo in Social Science and Humanities

Solo took social science courses and short courses covering the topics of macroeconomics; microeconomics; managerial and engineering economics; law for engineers; patent, trademark, and copyright law; engineering entrepreneurship; general entrepreneurship; organization theory and design; psychology; consumer studies; etc.  He took humanities courses covering the topics of American history, Canadian history, English history, world history, ancient history, computer and technology history, economic history, English literature, French language, industrial arts (described below in hands-on education), etc.

M-4. Synopsis of Self-Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo fulfilled the English requirement in his first degree by doing well on a proficiency exam right before starting university.  After that, Solo was exempted from taking English because of his publications, so he hasn't taken any English courses after high school.

Besides being formally educated in electrical engineering, computer engineering, intelligent systems engineering, and mathematics, Solo was most self-educated in these fields.  He was second most self-educated in politics, public policy, writing styles and conventions, and literature.  He was third most self-educated in intellectual property law, history, entrepreneurship, and human languages.  He was fourth most self-educated in physics, nutrition, exercise science, health, biology, physiology, astronomy, and geology.

Solo studied electrical engineering, computer engineering, intelligent systems engineering, mathematics, physics, nutrition, exercise science, health, and entrepreneurship in university and on his own.  He studied engines; biology; physiology; astronomy; American, Canadian, and world history; social history; political history; military history; computer history; space exploration history; technology history; French; literature; etc. on his own and in school.  He studied intelligent control; data science (specifically data mining); power distribution systems; telecommunications; telephony; geology; American, Canadian, and international politics; domestic policy with an added emphasis on civil rights and civil liberties; foreign policy; intellectual property law (especially patent law); technical writing; op-ed writing; rhetorical writing; poetic writing; other writing styles; writing conventions; etc. on his own.

M-5. Synopsis of Private Instruction of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides taking 190 academic courses and short courses from 8 universities and 21 other organizations, Solo received private instruction in math, intelligent systems, mathematical control, analog electronics, software engineering, power distribution systems, motors, communication systems, transmission lines, physics, nutrition, economics, law, Hindi, Urdu, and mechanical repair.

M-6. Synopsis of Educational Development and Writing Projects of Ashu M. G. Solo

For courses and self-study, Solo developed or co-developed a neural-fuzzy system for sound timbre classification; knowledge-based systems; fuzzy knowledge-based systems; neural networks; higher order neural networks; multivariable and single input, single output control systems for linear and nonlinear dynamic systems; control system for a dynamic fluid flow system; control system for the inverted pendulum problem; CPU controller; universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter; electronic combination lock algorithmic state machine; traffic light controller algorithmic state machine; calculator; combinational logic circuits for a 7-segment display, elevator controller, and arithmetic logic unit; real-time operating system kernel; device drivers; compiler; databases; PBX; CAD software; sorting programs; word string manipulation programs; simulation programs; demo programs; quiz programs; computer games; dynamic web applications; static websites; and much more.  Solo did these development projects for courses, science fairs, or personal entertainment.

Solo co-developed a control system for a physical nonlinear, dynamic fluid flow system with two tanks and a reservoir having two solenoid valve outputs, a variable speed pump input, and two linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) inputs interfaced to a Pentium PC with a peripheral interface adapter (PIA), analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters for data logging and real-time control.  Solo and his lab partners did system modeling, controller design, simulation and verification of the system model and controller with the Matlab Control Systems toolbox and Simulink, and implementation of the controller with the C programming language.

Solo and a lab partner did nonlinear mathematical modeling and simplification, dynamic system analysis, control system design, model validation, and controller performance evaluation for the classic inverted pendulum problem.  They used the Matlab Control Systems toolbox and Symbolic Math toolbox, Simulink, and Maple.

Solo co-designed analog and digital phase-lead, phase-lag, phase-lead-lag, and PID control system compensators using optimal pole placement (s-, z-, w-domains), frequency response (Bode plot and Nyquist diagram), and time response (root locus) design methods with the Matlab Control Systems toolbox and Simulink.  Plant system identification was done using a frequency response (Bode plot) method.

Solo co-designed a central processing unit (CPU) controller with VHDL software.

Solo co-designed and simulated (using Viewlogic Workview) a universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART) hardware and software.  

Solo co-designed an electronic combination lock algorithmic state machine (ASM) using an EPROM and other integrated circuits (ICs).

Solo co-designed hardware and software with C for a calculator with a keypad and LED display and programmable power supply interfaced to an 8096 microcontroller.

Solo co-designed a 7-segment display, elevator controller, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and 2-bit CPU using combinational logic circuits.

Solo co-designed an integrated circuit (IC) for a traffic light controller algorithmic state machine (ASM) based on CMOS 1.2 m process technology using Spice.  Solo did circuit design and simulation with his lab partners.

In the C programming language, Solo co-designed a compiler composed of a lexical analyzer, parser, semantic analyzer, and code generator to convert a small programming language into 68000 assembly language.

In 68000 assembly language, Solo co-designed an embedded real-time operating system (RTOS) kernel including an interrupt handler, memory management, and device drivers.

In the C programming language, Solo co-designed a database management system.  In the Pascal programming language, he designed a simpler database system.  In PHP, Solo designed a dynamic web application for a recipe database.

Solo wrote reports about the preceding design projects that were done for courses or science fairs.  He wrote lab reports for courses in control systems, analog electronics, power engineering, transmission lines and electromagnetic field theory, and high school science.  He wrote long or medium length school reports on the space shuttle program, tanks, light and sound waves, causes of cancer, diabetes, parapsychology, immigration, North Carolina (topic chosen by teacher), crocodiles (topic chosen by teacher), etc.  His teacher commented that Solo's report on diabetes was the best report he had ever seen from a student at Solo's grade level despite Solo having already skipped a grade.  Solo wrote short university or school reports (one or two pages) on nutrition for heart disease prevention and treatment, nutrition for cancer prevention, nutrition for diabetes prevention and treatment, boxing, and criminalization of adultery.  Solo wrote numerous short stories for language arts courses in school.  He wrote high school book reports on The Great Escape and The Bridges at Toko-Ri.  He wrote high school English essays (topics chosen by teachers) on Shakespeare plays, The Grapes of Wrath, and other stories.  

M-7. Synopsis of Computer Language Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo has studied more computer languages than the vast majority of people.  For each type of programming language, markup languages, and software description languages and mathematical modeling languages, languages are listed below in the order that Solo learned them.

Since he was 6 years old, Solo has learned 40 programming languages, many of which are similar, including a machine language (Motorola 680x0), assembly languages (Motorola 680x0, Intel 80x86, Intel 8096 microcontroller, MIPS R2000, Sun SPARC, Power PC 604, Intel MMX multimedia and communications enhancement for Pentium processors, and INMOS), general purpose high-level programming languages (Commodore PET BASIC, Apple 2 Plus BASIC, Apple 2e BASIC, Commodore Vic 20 BASIC, GW-BASIC/BASICA,  Pascal, Apple Pascal, Turbo Basic, RPL, Turbo Pascal, Protel, HP-BASIC, C, Turbo C, Parallel C, Prolog, Turbo Prolog, PHP, and Python), engineering languages (Matlab, Simulink, Matlab Control Systems Toolbox, Matlab Symbolic Math Toolbox, and Matlab DSP Toolbox), intelligent systems languages (CLIPS, FuzzyCLIPS, and Matlab Neural Networks Toolbox), and database query languages (QBE, Quel, SQL, and FuzzySQL).  He was an expert in many of these programming languages.  Solo learned modern and legacy programming languages.  Knowledge of legacy programming languages is useful for working with or updating old software still being used in organizations.

Solo learned 3 markup languages:  VAX Digital Standard Runoff (VAX DSR), HTML, and LaTeX.  He learned a hardware description language:  VHDL.

Sollo learned 14 software description languages and mathematical modeling languages including object-oriented modeling theory (OMT), Backus-Naur form (BNF), specification and description language graphical syntax (SDL-GR), specification and description language textual syntax (SDL-PR), data flow diagrams (DFDs), finite state machines (FSMs), extended finite state machines (EFSMs), hierarchical FSMs, deterministic finite automata (DFA), nondeterministic finite automata (NFA), Petri Nets (PNs), entity-relationship (ER) models, logic specifications, and algebraic specifications.

Solo learned Commodore PET BASIC, Apple 2 Plus BASIC, Commodore Vic 20 BASIC, GW-BASIC/BASICA, Apple IIe BASIC, Pascal, Turbo Basic, RPL, Turbo Pascal, C, Parallel C, HP-BASIC, Turbo C, Intel 80x86 assembly language, Turbo Prolog, Matlab Control Systems Toolbox, Matlab Symbolic Math Toolbox, Matlab DSP Toolbox, CLIPS, FuzzyCLIPS, Matlab Neural Networks Toolbox, FuzzySQL, VAX DSR, HTML, LaTeX, OMT, and BNF on his own.  Solo learned Motorola 68000 assembly language, Motorola 68000 machine code, Prolog, Intel 8096 assembly language, Matlab, Simulink, MIPS R2000 assembly language, Sun SPARC assembly language, QBE, Quel, SQL, Power PC 604 assembly language, Intel MMX assembly language, INMOS assembly language, VHDL, SDL-GR, SDL-PR, DFDs, FSMs, EFSMs, hierarchical FSMs, DFA, NFA, PNs, ER models, logic specifications, and algebraic specifications in University of Waterloo electrical and computer engineering courses.  He learned Apple Pascal in a high school computer science course, Protel in a Bell-Northern Research training short course, PHP in a University of Waterloo continuing education course, and Python in an IEEE workshop.​

M-8. Synopsis of Engineering Skill Development and Software Usage Skills of Ashu M. G. Solo

​Solo learned to use modern and legacy technology including hardware and software.  Knowledge of legacy technology is useful for working with or updating old technology still being used in organizations.  

Solo studied 29 computer communication protocols including ALOHA, ARP, RARP, ATM, CGI, CSMA/CD, DSMA, HDLC, HTTP, ICMP, IEEE 802.3, Token Bus (IEEE 802.4), Token Ring (IEEE 802.5), IPX, LAP, LCP, MACA, POP3, PGP, PPP, SDLC, SLIP, SMTP, SNMP, TCP/IP, UDP, Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem.  

Solo studied nine microprocessor architectures including Power PC 604, Motorola 680x0, Intel 80x86, Intel MMX (multimedia and communications enhancement for Pentium processors), Intel 8096 (microcontroller), Zilog Z80, MIPS R2000, Sun SPARC, DEC Alpha AXP and 21064.  He studied three multiprocessor architectures including Thinking Machines CM-3 and CM-5 and INMOS transputer.  He studied digital and analog devices and microprocessor interfacing hardware including ACIA, PIA, RS-232C, SCSI, USB, PCI, HPIB/GPIB (IEEE 488), Metrabyte DAS-08 (A/D), Metrabyte DAC-02 (D/A), Metrabyte PIO-12 (data acquisition and control), Intel 8254 (programmable interval timer), VMEbus (IEEE 1014), Multibus (IEEE 796), IEEE Futurebus, etc.  He used a lot of electronic instrumentation including oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, logic analyzers, signal generators, electrical meters, transducers, and a wafer probe.

Solo learned to use control systems simulation software including Matlab Control Systems Toolbox and ProgCC; digital and analog electronics design software including Spice, Cadence, and ViewLogic WorkView; website design software including WampServer 2.2, Microsoft Expression Web 2, Microsoft FrontPage 2003 and earlier versions, Website Builder, Website Builder Personal, WordPress, Google Sites, Blogger, and GeoCities; graph modeling software; flowchart software; spreadsheet software including Microsoft Excel and Corel Quattro Pro for financial calculations;  IBM Graphing Assistant; Corel Draw for drawing figures; Microsoft PowerPoint for presentation slides; many text editors including Overleaf for LaTeX, Notepad for Windows operating systems, PDFill, the Borland editor for MS-DOS/PC-DOS, vi for Unix, XEDIT for VM/CMS, and EDT for VAX/VMS; many word processors including Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, MacWrite, IBM DisplayWrite, IBM Writing Assistant, and an Apple IIe word processor; Windows 3.0 graphical operating environment; etc.  He learned to use countless versions of 11 core operating systems for personal and mainframe computers including iOS, Windows NT (including Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 2000), Windows (including Windows 98 and Windows 95), VM/CMS, Macintosh System Software, Multics, Unix, MS-DOS/PC-DOS, Apple DOS (for Apple IIc, Apple IIe, and Apple II Plus), VAX/VMS, and KERNAL (for Commodore 64, Commodore VIC-20, and Commodore PET).  

M-9. Synopsis of Human Language Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

​Solo can understand most oral Hindi (the 4th most spoken language) and oral Urdu (the 21st most spoken language) and can speak these languages with really bad grammar and pronunciation.  He can orally understand significant amounts of many other South Asian languages due to their similarity with oral Hindi.  He learned differences between oral Hindi and oral Punjabi (the 10th most spoken language), which are very similar.  

Solo has an elementary knowledge in reading, writing, and speaking French (the 5th most spoken language now according to the World Economic Forum), but can barely understand people speaking it because he doesn't have significant exposure to people speaking it with a French accent.  Solo memorized how to say 100 common words of Spanish (the 2nd most spoken language), how to say 100 common words of Russian (the 7th most spoken language), and how to say 100 common words of Japanese (the 8th most spoken language.  He learned some words and phrases from various other languages.
Solo can orally greet someone in 50 languages listed below.  Languages are in alphabetical order and language categories are in reverse alphabetical order.  Solo can orally greet someone in 15 South Asian languages:  Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, 
Marathi, Marwari, Nepali, Odio, Oriya, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Sanskrit, Telugu, and Urdu.  He can orally greet someone in 15 European and North Asian languages:  Czech, Danish, Dutch:, English, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, and Swedish.  Solo can orally greet someone in 9 East Asian languages:  Burmese, Cantonese, Indonesian, Japanese, Javanese, Korean, Mandarin, Thai:, and Vietnamese.  Solo can orally greet someone in 7 American and Canadian Indigenous languages:  Cree, Dakota, Hawaiian, Lakota, Michif, Nakoda. and Saulteaux.  He can orally greet someone in 4 African and Middle Eastern languages:  Arabic:, Hebrew, Swahili,, and Zulu.

It's important to realize that some of these languages gained widespread usage as a result of imperialism, so people are now compelled to learn them.  

Solo took French courses from the 7th grade to 12th grade.  He attended a French language club in the 2nd grade.  Consumer goods sold in Canada have both French and English labeling, so Solo paid attention to the labeling in both languages and mentally compared them to learn more French.  He watched eight short YouTube videos on French.  

Solo learned oral Hindi by listening to people talk to each other in Hindi since he was born, but everyone spoke to Solo in English, so Solo didn't become fluent in oral Hindi.  Also, Solo heard a lot of oral Hindi while visiting India for six months and Solo was taught some oral Hindi vocabulary and listened to a dozen Hindi vocabulary cassettes.  A large percentage of engineering, math, and science students at universities attended by Solo are of South Asian, East Asian, or Middle Eastern origin.  Solo learned differences between oral Hindi and oral Urdu from hanging around Pakistani students while in university and by sharing a house with two Pakistani students for a year while in university.  Solo learned differences between oral Hindi and oral Punjabi from hanging around Punjabi students in university and watching an approximately 90 minute video.  

Solo learned how to say 100 common words of Spanish, how to say 100 common words of Russian, and how to say 100 common words of Japanese by repeatedly watching a YouTube video for each of these languages.  Solo learned words and phrases from various other languages by hanging around university students from all over the world.  He learned how to greet people in 50 different languages from watching 10 short YouTube videos, from reading five webpages, and from being taught by many native speakers of these languages.

Solo practiced different human languages and learned about differences in English in different regions during extensive interactions with and listening to people from around the world when he lived in three countries; traveled in eight countries; attended eight universities in three countries; stayed in 12 university student residences; attended events of seven ethnic student associations; and attended 12 research multiconferences, conferences, and symposiums.

M-10. Synopsis of Legal Education and Training of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo took a university course on law for engineers and three short courses on patent, copyright, and trademark law.  Solo read the book Patent It Yourself by David Pressman on how to write American patent specifications and wrote patent specifications.  Solo has done copyright and trademark registrations.  He read Incorporation and Business Guide for Ontario by M. Stephen Georgas and incorporated two companies.  

Solo received training from American and Canadian lawyers on how to do civil litigation.  He read the rules and guidelines for various courts for suing individuals or organizations in New York and British Columbia on behalf of clients.  Solo learned how to prepare these legal documents for the U.S. or Canada from lawyers or reading books:  patent specifications, contracts, terms of service, privacy policies, copyright registrations, articles of incorporation, human rights complaints, demand letters, document lists, statements of claim, amended statements of claim, replies to statements of defense, affidavits, affidavits of documents, motions, applications for subpoenas, applications for amended statements of claim, applications to strike statements of defense, applications for order of substituted service, requests for particulars, replies to requests for particulars, exhibits, briefs of law, books of authorities, witness lists, formal offers to settle with consent injunctions, formal offers to settle, settlement agreements, and notices of appeal. 

M-11. Synopsis of Military Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides his academic education, Solo has extensive military education and athletic education.  Solo was trained as an infantry officer by “Royal” Canadian Regiment Battle School, “Royal” Canadian Infantry Corps, and the Canadian Army at six different military bases and infantry armories.  Solo’s infantry officer training included physical training, military structure and conventions, battlecraft, fieldcraft, modern military weapons training (rifles, pistols, semi-automatic rifles, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, firearms maintenance, light short range anti-armor weapons, heavy short range anti-armor weapons, fragmentation grenades, and bayonets), other infantry skills, combat simulation exercises, combat lifesaving, etc.  Infantry officers do the most intensive physical training in the conventional forces of the military. 

M-12. Synopsis of Athletic and Sports Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Like Solo has more academic education and military education than most people, he has more athletic and sports education than most people.  He received training in American kickboxing, Muay-Thai kickboxing, boxing, Japanese jiu-jitsu, Gracie jiu-jitsu, etc. from six private fight training clubs as well as three-time UFC champion Royce Gracie and Rorion Gracie.  He received other combat sports, extreme sports, and regular sports training from 22 sports courses and 8 sports training programs at 19 organizations.  

While other people learned martial arts that are good for shows, Solo learned mixed combative arts that are the best for defending against foes.  Solo combines the best aspects of the world's most practical and devastating styles of fighting.  Trained by many former champion fighters, Solo learned American kickboxing for punching and kicking above the waist as well as evading and blocking punches and kicks; Muay-Thai kickboxing for kicking below the waist, elbowing, and kneeing; Gracie jiu-jitsu for ground grappling; Japanese jiu-jitsu for standing grappling; and boxing (American and Cuban) for effectively landing and evading punches.  Solo possesses a lightning right punch and lightning right turn kick, which are extremely devastating in a no-holds barred fight.  He also learned techniques from various other martial arts, martial arts weaponry, knife throwing, and fencing.  

To study the peekaboo boxing style created by Cus D'Amato and successfully used by boxing champions Mike Tyson, Floyd Patterson, and Jose Torres, Solo watched a short YouTube video from Teddy Atlas (D'Amato's boxing club trainer and Tyson's amateur trainer), watched 5 short YouTube videos from Joey Hadley (boxer trained by D'Amato), watched 10 short YouTube videos from Tyson, and watched all or highlights of every professional Tyson fight prior to his temporary retirement. 

Extreme sports that Solo has done include skydiving, motorcycle racing (on-road and off-road), BMX racing, go-kart racing, downhill skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, waterskiing, kayaking, jet skiing, and rock climbing.  Other than combat sports and extreme sports, Solo has done 20 regular sports including water sports, winter sports, racquet sports, individual sports, and team sports, but he cares about fighting for liberty in and out of the military, not cowardly sports game victory. 

M-13. Synopsis of Learning Methods Education, Productivity Methods Education, and Brain Training of Ashu M. G. Solo

To enhance productivity, Solo studied methods to enhance memorization ability, reading speed, mental math ability, and typing speed.  He quickly and easily memorized the capital and location of every country in the world, but this was a long time ago, so he needs to review this information.  Although he learned memorization and mental math methods, he always had a really good memory and ability to perform complicated mathematical calculations in his head.  He typed 97 words per minute in an online typing test after learning basic typing technique as a kid and many years of using it.  Solo watched and listened to learning methods lectures from Howard Berg, who set the Guinness world record in speed reading, and others.  For brain training, Solo has solved problems in over 15 collections of mathematical, logical, and mystery puzzles including five books by Donald J. Sobol, The Mini Five Minute Mysteries by Ken Weber, Test Your IQ Skills by Norman Sullivan, Philip J. Carter, and Ken A. Russell, Sit & Solve Nice & Easy Mazes, Sit & Solve Crazier Phrazies Puzzability, Mindtrap:  Shadow Mysteries, Mindtrap:  Left Brain Right Brain, Noggin Workshop:  Word Mixers, Noggin Workshop:  IQ Squares, Noggin Workshop:  Picture Problems, I.Q. Brain Train Game, etc.

M-14. Synopsis of Research Conference Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides watching numerous online and in-person research presentations, Solo attended the 2016 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, World Congress on Engineering 2010, The 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, 2006 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2nd Annual Footprint Design Sustainability Symposium at University of Saskatchewan, The Fourth IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence, The 2005 International Multiconference in Computer Science & Computer Engineering, The 2005 World Congress in Applied Computing, 18th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, and IEEE North Saskatchewan Section Symposium 2000.  He has spent 40 days attending research multiconferences, conferences, and symposiums.  

Besides attending countless research presentations and lectures at conferences, Solo attended the following tutorials at research conferences:  Fuzzy Neural Computing Systems, Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization, Heterogeneous Parallel and Distributed Computing:  Model, Resource Management, and Robustness, Grid Computing:  Making the Global Cyberinfrastructure for eScience and eBusiness a Reality, Introduction to Information Security, An Introduction to Biometric Recognition Systems, Developing Enterprise Web Services and Applications, Comprehensive Description and Management of XML Web Services, Intelligent Web-Based Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, and An Introduction to Teaching Online..

M-15. Synopsis of Academic Short Courses Taken by Ashu M. G. Solo from Organizations Other than Universities

​In addition to university courses and short courses and research conference tutorials, Solo took many noncredit short courses including workshops and lectures with assignments.

Solo took many short courses from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):  IEEE North Saskatchewan Section Tutorial on Fuzzy Neural Computing Systems, BEAM Robotics Workshop from IEEE University of Waterloo Student Branch A, Smart Grids:  Electricity for the Future from IEEE, IEEE Plain Talk about the Electric Power System:  The Transmission System:  The Interconnected Bulk Electric System from IEEE Power & Energy Society, IEEE Plain Talk about the Electric Power System:  Power System Basics from IEEE Power & Energy Society, How to Create a Texting Service:  Using the Twilio SMS Service from IEEE North Saskatchewan Section, Hands-On Beginner iPad and iPhone Programming Workshop from IEEE North Saskatchewan Section, IPR Patents Tutorial from IEEE, IPR Trademarks Tutorial from IEEE, IPR Copyrights Tutorial from IEEE, and IEEE Central Canada Council Student Workshop for IEEE student branch executives.

Solo took first aid and CPR from Canadian Red Cross; Asteroid Defense 101 from The Planetary Society; lectures with assignments from Artificial Intelligence & Information Analysis Lab including Introduction to Computer Vision, Introduction to Autonomous Systems, Image Acquisition and Camera Geometry, and Stereo and Multiview Imaging; Python Workshop from Saskatoon Engineering Society; Innovate your Business with Voice App & Chatbots from Microsoft; Bell-Northern Research software training course; Climate Reality Leadership Corps Global Training from The Climate Reality Project including The Climate Crisis and Its Solutions from Vice President Al Gore; Mega Speed Reading from Howard Berg; Mastering the Age of Information Speed Reading from L. W. Foster Seminars; and Introduction to Aromatherapy from Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST).  Also, Solo took many more academic short courses.

M-16. Synopsis of Selected Miscellaneous Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo read countless textbooks, books, or course notes on mathematics, mathematical control, intelligent systems, computer architecture, digital electronics, analog electronics, firmware design and software engineering, power engineering, physics, transmission lines, communication systems, telecommunications, telephony, aerospace engineering, nutrition, exercise science, economics, entrepreneurship, chemistry, psychology, health, law, data mining, engines, biology and physiology, astronomy, geology, history, public policy, human languages, etc.  Solo read countless manuals on programming languages, operating systems, and software applications.  Solo has read countless research papers in engineering, math, science, politics, and public policy.  He read countless articles from these engineering magazines:  IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Potentials, IEEE Canadian Review, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, and Communications of the ACM.

Solo watched nutritional or food lectures by the following people listed in alphabetical order:  Neal Barnard, Anne Bingham, Will Bulsiewicz, Erin Campbell, T. Colin Campbell, Thomas Campbell, Evelisse CapO, Yami Cazoria, Robert Cheeke, Jill Edwards, Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., Joel Furhman, Michael Greger, David J. A. Jenkins, Amy Lanou, William W. Li, Doug Lisle, Rui Hai Liu, Howard Lyman, Bruce Monger, Dean Ornish, Alex Ruani, Michele Simon, Brie Turner-McGrievy, Allison Wilson, etc. 

Solo read a book with advice on longevity, but some of the nutritional advice in this book conflicts with the most comprehensive and latest research.  Besides reading business textbooks and course notes for university courses, Solo read these popular business and investment books:  Odyssey:  Pepsi to Apple:  A Journey of Adventure, Ideas, and the Future by John Sculley and John A. Byrne, Silicon Valley Fever:  The Growth of High-Technology Culture by Everett M. Rogers and Judith K. Larsen, How to Wake Up the Financial Genius Inside You by Mark O. Haroldsen, and Wisdom from Rich Dad Poor Dad:  What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money that the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not! by Robert Kiyosaki.  Solo went through This Day in History:  2022 Desk Calendar with important historical events for different days throughout the year.  He has a side interest in the truth about mysteries of the unknown, parapsychology, and paranormal phenomena and has read and watched a lot about these subjects.  He has looked at evidence for and against Gods, alien visitations, ancient astronaut theory, ghosts, psychic abilities, Sasquatch (Bigfoot), Loch Ness Monster, conspiracies to assassinate President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, etc.

M-17. Synopsis of Politics and Public Policy Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Despite never having taken a course on politics or public policy other than law, economics, and history, a significant percentage of Solo’s over 1010 reviewed publications are research papers or commentaries on politics or public policy.  Because of Solo’s published research papers on politics and public policy and because he originated the new interdisciplinary fields of public policy engineering, computational public policy, political engineering, and computational politics, Solo was able to edit three research books on politics in the information age including research papers on the interdisciplinary fields originated by Solo.  Instead of taking courses on politics and public policy, Solo decided that he could more effectively, more easily, and more quickly learn about politics and public policy on his own, so he read thousands of articles and spent countless hours watching or listening to the news while working or driving in addition to reading books and watching countless documentaries on politics and public policy.  This was effective for Solo because he has more published research papers on politics and public policy, more edited research book publications on politics, and more published commentaries on politics and public policy than many university professors and lecturers in political science.

Solo has spent a tremendous amount of time following American, Canadian, and international politics since he was 19 years old, but followed this news to a lesser extent before that.  He attended numerous public policy informational events.  Solo read countless articles from these magazines, newspapers, and news websites:  The Nation, The New Republic, The Atlantic, Foreign Policy, Mother Jones, Time, Newsweek, Reader's Digest, The Intercept, Alternet, Think Progress, Intrepid Report, OpEdNews, Common Dreams, The Hill, The Huffington Post, Yahoo News, Slate, Salon, MSNBC, CNN, NBC News, CBS News, ABC News, USA Today, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, CBC News, CTV News, Global News, National Post, The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, The StarPhoenix, Regina Leader-Post, The Province, Ottawa Citizen, The Guardian, The Independent, BBC News, and countless others.​  Solo listened to or watched countless hours of news and talk shows on radio and T.V. including on MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, C-SPAN, CBC News Network, CTV News Channel, CBC, CTV, Air America Radio, NPR, SiriusXM POTUS, SiriusXM Progress, CBC Radio One, News Talk 650 CKOM, 640 Toronto, CHML, and countless other stations.  Solo listened to or watched both progressive and conservative talk shows to hear the perspectives of both sides, but he mostly agrees with progressive points of view.  

M-18. Synopsis of Military History, Space Exploration History, and Technology History Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo watched documentaries, listened to audiobooks, read books, watched infantry presentations, or took courses covering the history of the following wars listed in sequential order:  American Revolution, War of 1812, Texas Revolution, Mexican-American War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Balkans war, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War.  Also, he studied the history of other wars and military missions to a lesser extent.  Solo watched numerous documentaries and read in-depth articles on the following space programs:  Mercury program, Gemini program, Apollo program, and space shuttle program.  He followed the history of other space programs and missions to a lesser extent.  Solo studied computer history and technology history, particularly by studying biographies of the researchers, developers, and inventors in the next section.

Solo has spent a tremendous amount of time following computer industry news since he was 12 years old, but followed this news to a lesser extent before that.  He has spent a tremendous amount of time following military news and space exploration news since he was 19 years old, but followed this news to a lesser extent before that.  Solo read countless articles from these magazines and news websites:  Wired, Computerworld, PC Magazine, Byte, Compute! CNET, ZDNet, Scientific American, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics,, and Live Science.  The news from today is history from tomorrow.

M-19. Synopsis of Biographical History Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Because the history of humanity is the history of the individuals who drove society forward or backward, Solo familiarized himself with the biographies of good, bad, or partially good and partially bad historical figures.  Biography studies is an emerging field in the humanities.  Everyone is flawed, but Solo seeks to emulate positive characteristics of some of the people below while not emulating negative characteristics of some of the people below.  Solo watched documentaries, watched movies, read books, listened to audiobooks, attended museums, or read in-depth articles on the following over 170 people listed in alphabetical order as well as other people:  Muhammad Ali, Glenn Andreotta, Susan Anthony, Jacinda Ardern, Lee Atwater, Alexander Graham Bell, Joe Biden, Blackfish, Daniel Boone, James Braddock, Bill Bradley, Wernher von Braun, Erin Brockovich, Pat Buchanan, George Bush, George W. Bush, John Brown, Kit Carson, Jimmy Carter, Ruben “Hurricane” Carter, Butch Cassidy, Dick Cheney, Jean Chretien, William Clark, Max Cleland, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Lawrence Colburn, Davy Crockett, Marie Curie, Mohammed Deif, Dieter Dengler, John Diefenbaker, Tommy Douglas, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Dukakis, Alexandre Dumas, Amelia Earhart, Thomas Edison, John Edwards, Rob Ford, Terry Fox, Benjamin Franklin, John Fremont, Tulsi Gabbard, Galileo Galilei, Mohandas Gandhi, Marc Garneau, Bill Gates, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, John Glenn, Robert Goddard, Denis Goldberg, Al Gore, Lindsey Graham, Gus Grissom, Stephen Harper, Kamala Harris, Gary Hart, Dennis Hastert, Homer Hickam, Jr., Adolph Hitler, Mike Huckabee, Victor Hugo, Saddam Hussain, Darrell Issa, Andrew Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Bobby Jindal, Steve Jobs, Edward Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, John Kerry, Jack Layton, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ron Kovic, Evel Knievel, Jake La Motta, Mel Lastman, Bruce Lee, Stan Lee, Merriwether Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Rush Limbaugh, Abraham Lincoln, Harry Longabaugh, George Lucas, Douglas MacArthur, John A. Macdonald, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Nelson Mandela, Charles Manson, John McCain, Henry McCarty, Amy McGrath, Joseph Merrick, Seth Moulton, Audie Murphy, Story Musgrave, Isaac Newton, Florence Nightingale, Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Sean Parker, Tom Parker, Rosa Parks, Louis Pasteur, Julie Payette, Lester Pearson, Mike Pence, Joseph Pistone, Marco Polo, Srinivas Ramanujan, Ronald Reagan, Mitt Romney, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sacagawea, Bernie Sanders, Oskar Schindler, Wally Schirra, John Sculley, Frank Serpico, Al Sharpton, Alan Shepard, Jagmeet Singh, Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Sinwar, Walter Sisulu, Socrates, Steven Spielberg, Sylvester Stallone, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Claus von Stauffenberg, Robert Louis Stevenson, Roger Stone, Tecumseh, Nikola Tesla, Hugh Thompson Jr., Jack Tramiel, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau, Harriet Tubman, Alan Turing, Nat Turner, Mark Twain, Mike Tyson, Jules Verne, William Wallace, Micky Ward, Ed and Lorraine Warren, Elizabeth Warren, George Washington, Betty Anne Waters, Jim Webb, H. G. Wells, William Wilberforce, David Marshall Williams, Richard Williams, Charlie Wilson, Steve Wozniak, Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright, Malcolm X, Chuck Yeager, Lotfi Zadeh, Louis Zamperini, and Mark Zuckerberg.  Obviously, Solo is strongly opposed to what many of these individuals such as the Bushes, Cassidy, Cheney, Hitler, Manson, Reagan, etc. stood for.  There are more men than women listed because women have been historically denied opportunities due to gender bigotry.

M-20. Synopsis of Documentary and Educational Film Studies of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo watched short YouTube video animations from Alila Medical Media on how each of the following work:  brain, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin, circulatory system, cardiac conduction, blood types, portal venous system, liver, respiratory system, mechanism of breathing, spinal cord, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, kidney, digestive system, lymphatic system, endocrine system, immune system, vestibular system, touch, hearing, olfactory system, vision, eye, taste, and sleep physiology.  Solo watched short YouTube video animations from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on tides, cloud types, wind, tornadoes, the jet stream, thunderstorms, and hurricanes.  Also, he watched short YouTube video animations on how each of the following work:  photosynthesis, blockchain, AK-47 rifle, Colt M1911 pistol, grenade, motorcycle, television, microwave oven, furnace, water heater, plumbing system, sprinkler, water cycle, evaporation, lightning, tornado, hurricane, volcano, and earthquake.  Solo watched over 350 short YouTube videos from on the history of space exploration and astronomy.  He watched over 355 short YouTube videos from the Associated Press on some of the most important events in recorded history.  Solo watched 9 short YouTube videos on survival and 3 short Alderleaf Wilderness College videos so far on survival.  

Besides watching countless television documentaries and some IMAX documentaries, these are some of the popular movie documentaries shown in theaters that Solo watched:  Birth of a Family, Bowling for Columbine, Chariots of the Gods, Do the Math, Fahrenheit 9/11, Forks over Knives, An Inconvenient Truth, Religulous, Super Size Me, Tyson (2008), When We Were Kings, and The World According to Monsanto. 

Solo watched countless documentaries on science, health, American and world history, social history, political history, military history, space exploration history, technology history, mysteries of history, civil rights, civil liberties, international human rights, environmental protection, foreign policy, archaeology, etc.  Besides watching countless individual documentaries, he watched these documentary T.V. miniseries:  From the Earth to the Moon, The ACLU Freedom Files, The Men Who Built America:  Frontiersmen, American Dynasties:  The Kennedys, and Lincoln:  Divided We Stand.  Solo watched a lot of episodes from these documentary T.V. series while working:  How the Universe Works, NASA's Unexplained Files (featuring former NASA employees including astronauts), Mysteries at the Museum, Beyond the Unknown, History's Greatest Mysteries, Unearthed, Weird or What? The UnXplained, Ancient Aliens, Unsealed Alien Files, Animated Hero Classics, and many others.  These series present evidence for and against different perspectives and let the viewers decide what to believe.  Most critics of these series are so-called skeptics who don't want people to hear the evidence, don't want to believe the evidence, or haven't seen the evidence.  He watched numerous episodes of Pawn Stars, American Pickers, and Canadian Pickers while working.  By doing so, he got an idea of what vintage items he's selling (comic books, movie cards, and posters) are worth and also saw that other vintage items he has (like a motion lamp and cuckoo clock) are valuable and should be sold too.

Solo watched these fiction movies somewhat based on historical events:  Amazing Grace (not a religious movie), Amistad, Black Hawk Down, BlackKkKlansman, Braveheart, Charlie Wilson's War, Dunkirk, Escape from Alcatraz, The Insider, In the Heart of the Sea, JFK, The Monuments Men, The Perfect Storm, PT 109, Rescue Dawn, Thirteen Days, and Valkyrie.  Solo watched these modern classic biographical movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944), Amelia, The Birth of a Nation (2016), Born on the Fourth of July, Carbine Williams, Conviction, Dragon:  The Bruce Lee Story, Edison the Man, Erin Brockovich, The Fighter, Gandhi, The Greatest (1977), The Hurricane, The Imitation Game, Jobs, Malcolm X, Mandela:  Long Walk to Freedom, Nixon, The Social Network, Tyson (1995), W., The World’s Fastest Indian, Young Guns, and Young Guns II.  It's important to remember that historical and biographical movies have frequently inaccurate events and fictionalized dialog.

Solo watched these fiction movies somewhat based on Greek mythology:  Clash of the Titans (1981), Clash of the Titans (2010), and Hercules (2014).  Solo watched these fiction movies somewhat based on the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table:  Excalibur, First Knight, and King Arthur:  Legend of the Sword.  Solo watched these fiction movies somewhat based on Robin Hood folklore:  Robin Hood:  Prince of Thieves and Robin Hood (2010). 

Solo watched these documentaries on filmmaking:  An American Hero's Journey:  The Rambo Trilogy, Behind the Movie:  Top Gun, Danger Zone:  The Making of Top Gun, Everything or Nothing:  The Untold Story of 007, and The Making of Star Wars.     

M-21. Synopsis of Writing Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo is highly skilled and experienced in rhetorical writing, poetic writing, op-ed writing, and research writing in English as can be seen in his over 1010 reviewed publications.  Solo is an expert in English grammar, punctuation, and style; has a vast English vocabulary; and is very familiar with differences in English (the 3rd most spoken language) in five countries.  He studied the difference in punctuation between the U.S. and the U.K.; the difference in spelling between the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.; and the difference in words used in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., India, and Pakistan.  Also, Solo familiarized himself with the classic nonfiction and fiction literature listed below.

After seeing how badly taught and worthless the English courses in high school were, Solo decided that he could more effectively, more easily, and more quickly learn about writing conventions, writing styles, and literature on his own.  The problem with English courses in Solo’s opinion is they focus on reading stories that students might not be interested in and writing essays that can’t even be published about these stories instead of focusing on writing styles and writing conventions, writing manuscripts that can be published, and letting students choose which literature they want to read.  Solo decided that he would be better off mastering grammar, punctuation, and style; developing an extensive vocabulary; and learning technical writing, op-ed article writing, screenwriting, poetry writing, and rhetorical writing on his own than fully reading old English plays by Shakespeare and then answering questions and writing essays about these stories in English courses.  Solo's method of learning how to write effectively worked really well because he has more reviewed publications in English than the vast majority of English professors.

Solo fulfilled the English requirement in his first degree by doing well on a proficiency exam right before starting university.  After that, Solo was exempted from taking English because of his publications, so he hasn't taken any English courses after high school.

After high school, Solo studied Grammar Smart:  A Guide to Perfect Usage by The Princeton Review, The New American Guide to Punctuation by William C. Paxson, The Chicago Manual of Style by The University of Chicago Press editorial staff, The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law by The Associated Press, another style guide he needs to check the name of, Technically-Write by Ron Blicq and Lisa Moretto, How to Write Articles for Newspapers and Magazines by Dawn B. Sova, The Writer's Guide to Writing Your Screenplay:  How to Write Great Screenplays for Movies and Television by Cynthia Whitcomb, Poetry for Dummies (good book despite the name) by John Timpane and Maureen Watts, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Poetry (good book despite the name) by Nikki Moustaki, Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder, Webster's New World Pocket Vocabulary by Mark Alan Stewart, Word Smart:  Building a More Educated Vocabulary by Julian Fleisher, Word Smart II:  Building an Even More Educated Vocabulary by Julian Fleisher, Word Smart, Genius Edition:  Building a Phenomenal Vocabulary by Michael Freedman, Kaplan Word Power:  Vocabulary Building for Success by Meg F. Schneider, Upsize Your Word Power by Peter Funk and Mary Funk, and Words You Thought You Knew by Jenna Glatzer.  He read 3 books with rhetorical writing and 2 books of political poetry and other selected poems.  

Solo listened to or read archives of many of the greatest American political speeches.  He studied the rhetorical writing techniques of countless politicians and activists including President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Senator Edward Kennedy, Governor Mario Cuomo, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Rev. Al Sharpton.  

Solo was advised by two professional poets and a professional fiction author on how to improve his writing and get it published; two of them were writers in residence at the Saskatoon Public Library.  

M-22. Synopsis of Classic and Modern Classic Nonfiction Literature Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Besides reading countless other textbooks, Solo studied engineering, math, and science modern classics by David Halliday and Robert Resnick (Fundamentals of Physics), John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson (Computer Architecture:  A Quantitative Approach), Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie (The C Programming Language), M. Morris Mano (Digital Design), Katsuhiko Ogata (Modern Control Engineering), William C. Reynolds and Henry C. Perkins (Engineering Thermodynamics), Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith (Microelectronic Circuits), Kenneth A. Stroud (Engineering Mathematics), Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Computer Networks), etc.

Besides reading and listening to countless other nonfiction books, Solo read or listened to nonfiction classics and modern classics by Howard Berg and Kevin Trudeau (Mega Speed Reading); Dale Carnegie (How to Influence People); DK (Pocket Genius:  Human Body, Pocket Genius:  Space, and Pocket Genius:  Earth); Benjamin Franklin (The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin); James Gleick (Chaos:  Making a New Science); President John F. Kennedy (“Let the Word Go Forth”:  The Speeches, Statements, and Writings of John F. Kennedy 1947 to 1963); Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger (Lost Moon:  The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13); Thomas Paine (Common Sense); Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht (The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook); David Pressman (Patent It Yourself); “Royal” Canadian Infantry Corps (The Warrior:  The Combat Readiness Standards); Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld, and Jim Dwyer (Actual Innocence:  Five Days to Execution, and Other Dispatches From the Wrongly Convicted); John Sculley and John A. Byrne (Odyssey:  Pepsi to Apple:  A Journey of Adventure, Ideas, and the Future); Kevin Trudeau (Kevin Trudeau's Mega Memory:  How to Release Your Superpower Memory in 30 Minutes or Less a Day); Sun Tzu (The Art of War); Erich Von Daniken (Chariots of the Gods?  Unsolved Mysteries of the Past); etc.  Solo read a graphic novel synopsis of Mutiny on the Bounty, which is somewhat based on historical events, by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall.  Solo watched the movie October Sky based on Rocket Boys:  A Memoir by Homer H. Hickam, Jr.

M-23. Synopsis of Classic and Modern Classic Fiction Literature Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo included fiction literature in this section because most universities offer arts degrees in English with a focus on fiction literature or classical studies with a focus on fictional mythology.  Solo isn't interested in pursuing one of these degrees or any arts degree because he focuses on engineering, math, and science courses in university, but he has studied much more fiction literature on his own than the vast majority of people.  He listened to a lot of fiction audiobooks while doing physical training to keep himself entertained and doing more physical training, listened to a lot of fiction audiobooks while driving, read a lot of fiction books using speed reading techniques while waiting and as a kid, and watched a lot of fiction movies while doing tedious work that didn't require much focus.  

Besides countless other fiction stories, Solo read books, listened to audiobooks, watched movies and plays, and read book synopses to be familiarized with over 120 classic fiction books for adults, over 10 classic fiction books for young adults, over 15 classic short stories for adults, over 65 classic short stories for kids, over 70 modern classic fiction books for adults, over 120 modern classic movie novelizations for adults, over 40 modern classic fiction books for young adults, over 10 modern classic fiction books for kids, and over 10 modern classic short stories.  There are more fiction than nonfiction classics and modern classics listed because nonfiction can quickly become obsolete, particularly in engineering, math, and science.  Solo considers any novel or short story that was deemed good enough to be made into a movie to be a classic or modern classic.  Solo considers any novel to be a classic or modern classic if it’s a novelization of a movie screenplay that was deemed good enough to be converted into a novel.  Solo considers classics published after World War II to be modern classics.  

Solo read books, listened to audiobooks, watched movies and plays, and read book synopses to be familiarized with fiction classics (published before or during World War II) including 9 books (read synopses of The Mysterious Affair at Styles, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Peril at End House, Murder on the Orient Express, The ABC Murders, Cards on the Table, Death on the Nile, Evil under the Sun, and Curtain: Poirot's Last Case) by Agatha Christie, 1 book (Robinson Crusoe) by Daniel Defoe, 20 books (watched movies for The Adventures of Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol and read synopses of The Pickwick Papers, The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, The Old Curiosity Shop, Barnaby Rudge, The Life and Adventures of Martin Cuzzlewit, The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, The Battle of Life, The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain, Dombey and Son, David Copperfield, Bleak House, Hard Times, Little Dorrit, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, Our Mutual Friend, and The Mystery of Edwin Drood) by Charles Dickens, 3 books (read synopses of A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four, and The Hound of the Baskervilles) by Arthur Conan Doyle, 3 books (The Count of Monte Cristo, The Man in the Iron Mask, and The Three Musketeers) by Alexandre Dumas, 1 book (Cimarron) by Edna Ferber, 1 book (The Old Man and the Sea) by Ernest Hemingway, 1 book (The Prisoner of Zenda) by Anthony Hope, 2 books (The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables) by Victor Hugo, 1 book (The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle) by Hugh Lofting, 1 book (The Call of the Wild) by Jack London, 1 book (Moby-Dick) by Herman Melville, 1 book (Anne of Green Gables) by Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1 book (Animal Farm) by George Orwell, 1 book (Pollyanna) by Eleanor Porter, 1 book (The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood)  by Howard Pyle, 1 book (All Quiet on the Western Front) by Erich Maria Remarque, 1 book (Black Beauty) by Anna Sewell, 38 plays/books (read modern English synopses of Henry IV, Part 1; Henry IV, Part 2; Henry V; Henry VI, Part 1; Henry VI, Part 2; Henry VI, Part 3; Henry VIII; King John; Richard II; Richard III; Antony and Cleopatra; Coriolanus; Hamlet; Julius Caesar; King Lear; Macbeth; Othello; Romeo and Juliet; Timon of Athens; Titus Andronicus; All's Well That Ends Well; As You Like It; The Comedy of Errors; Cymbeline; Love's Labour's Lost; Measure for Measure; The Merchant of Venice; The Merry Wives of Windsor; A Midsummer Night's Dream; Much Ado about Nothing; Pericles, Prince of Tyre; Taming of the Shrew; The Tempest; Troilus and Cressida; Twelfth Night; Two Gentlemen of Verona; The Two Noble Kinsmen; and The Winter's Tale) by William Shakespeare, 2 books (The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men​) by John Steinbeck, 3 books (Kidnapped, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll, and Mr. Hyde and Treasure Island) by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1 book (Dracula) by Bram Stoker, 1 book (Uncle Tom’s Cabin) by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1 book (Gulliver’s Travels) by Jonathan Swift, 4 books (The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King) by J. R. R. Tolkien, 7 books (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and The Prince and the Pauper and read synopses of The Gilded Age, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson, and Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc) by Mark Twain, 5 books (Around the World in Eighty Days, From the Earth to the Moon, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Off on a Comet, and Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea) by Jules Verne, 5 books (The First Men in the Moon, The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth, The Invisible Man, The Time Machine, and The War of the Worlds) by H. G. Wells, 1 book (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof) by Tennessee Williams, 1 book (The Swiss Family Robinson) by Johann David Wyss, etc.  

Solo read books and watched movies to be familiarized with classic short stories (published before or during World War II) in fiction including 9 short stories (read synopses of "A Scandal in Bohemia," "The Adventure of the Red-Headed League," "The Man with the Twisted Lip," "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle," "The Adventure of the Speckled Band," "The Adventure of the Copper Beeches," "Silver Blaze," "The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual," and "The Final Problem") by Arthur Conan Doyle, 2 short stories ("Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow") by Washington Irving, 4 short stories ("The Masque of the Red Death," "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Cask of Amontillado," and "The Black Cat") by Edgar Allan Poe, and 1 short story (“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”) by Mark Twain.  

Solo read books, listened to audiobooks, and watched movies to be familiarized with modern classics (published after World War II) in fiction including 1 book (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) by Douglas Adams, 1 book (Bored of the Rings) by Henry Beard and Douglas Kenney, 1 book (American Hero) by Larry Beinhart, 1 book (Jaws) by Peter Benchley, 1 book (Planet of the Apes) by Pierre Boulle, 1 book (The Great Escape) by Paul Brickhill, 5 books (The Sword of Shannara, The Elfstones of Shannara, The Wishsong of Shannara, Magic Kingdom for Sale—Sold! and The Black Unicorn) by Terry Brooks, 1 book (Who Goes There?) by John W. Campbell Jr., 1 book (Sleepers) by Lorenzo Carcaterra, 1 book (Ender’s Game) by Orson Scott Card,  1 book (One Shot and Never Go Back) by Lee Child, 1 book (The Hunt for Red October) by Tom Clancy, 2 books (2001:  A Space Odyssey and 2010:  Odyssey 2) by Arthur C. Clarke, 1 book (Ready Player One, Armada) by Ernest Cline, 2 books (The Andromeda Strain and Jurassic Park) by Michael Crichton, 1 book (The Maze Runner) by James Dashner, 1 book (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) by Philip K. Dick, 1 book (Once Were Warriors) by Alan Duff, 1 book (L.A. Confidential) by James Ellroy, 9 books (Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Diamonds Are Forever, Live and Let Die, The Man with the Golden Gun, and Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang:  The Magical Car) by Ian Fleming, 1 book (Billy Flynn's Long Halftime Walk) by Ben Fountain, 1 book (I Am Number Four) by James Frey and Jobie Hughes, 1 book (Old Yeller) by Fred Gipson, 1 book (Lord of the Flies) by William Golding, 1 book (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) by William Goldman, 1 book (The Firm) by John Grisham, 1 book (Forrest Gump) by Winston Groom, 1 book (The Short-Timers) by Gustav Hasford, 1 book (Unbroken:  A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption) by Laura Hillenbrand, 1 book (MASH:  A Novel about Three Army Doctors) by Richard Hooker, 1 book (Schindler’s Ark) by Thomas Keneally, 2 books (Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile) by Stephen King, 1 book (Raging Bull:  My Story) by Jake LaMotta, 1 book (To Kill a Mockingbird) by Harper Lee, 1 book (Mystic River) by Dennis Lehane, 1 book (The Life of Pi) by Yann Martel, 1 book (I Am Legend) by Richard Matheson, 1 book (The Bridges at Toko-Ri) by James Michener, 1 book (Death of a Salesman) by Arthur Miller, 1 book (Logan’s Run) by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson, 1 book (Cool Hand Luke) by Donn Pearce, 2 books (Wiseguy:  Life in a Mafia Family and Casino:  Love and Honor in Las Vegas) by Nicholas Pileggi, 1 book (Donnie Brasco:  My Undercover Life in the Mafia) by Joseph PIstone, 1 book (Alive:  The Story of the Andes Survivors) by Piers Paul Read, 3 books (Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant) by Veronica Roth, 1 book (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) by J. K. Rowling, 1 book (Contact) by Carl Sagan, 1 book (Blindness) by Jose Saramago, 1 book (Cowboys and Indians:  The Shooting of J. J. Harper) by Gordon Sinclair Jr., 1 book (Black Klansman) by Ron Stallworth, 1 book (The Elephant Man) by Christine Sparks, 1 book (Nothing Lasts Forever) by Roderick Thorp, 1 book (High Plains Drifter) by Ernest Tidyman, 1 book (After Hours) by Edwin Torres, 1 book (Indian Horse) by Richard Wagamese, 1 book (The Martian) by Andy Weir, etc.  

Solo read books and watched movies to be familiarized with modern classic short stories (published after World War II) in fiction including 1 short story (“Farewell to the Master”) by Harry Bates, 1 short story ("Story of Your Life") by Ted Chiang, and 9 short stories ("Autofac," "Human Is," "The Hood Maker," "Foster, You're Dead," "Impossible Planet," "The Commuter," "The Hanging Stranger," “Second Variety,” and “The Minority Report”) by Philip K. Dick.  

​Solo familiarized himself with these 12 classic and modern classic stories for high school English courses:  The Old Man and the Sea, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, Death of a Salesman, Alive:  The Story of the Andes Survivors, The Elephant Man, The Outsiders, and Clash of the Titans (1981).  He familiarized himself with the rest of the classic and modern classic stories listed in this condensed professional biography on his own for entertainment.  

​Besides the classics and modern classics listed above, Solo familiarized himself with the classics and modern classics for young adults and kids listed in section S-8 below on early classic and modern classic literature education.

M-24. Synopsis of Classical Studies (Mythology, Folklore, and Fables) Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

​​Solo included classical studies in this section because countless universities offer arts degrees and courses in classical studies (mythology, folklore, and fables).  Solo focuses on engineering, math, and science courses in university.  However, he familiarized himself with a lot of mythology, folklore, and fables.  

​Solo studied some Greek mythology and Roman mythology.  From Greek mythology, Solo read synopses of The Iliad by Homer, The Odyssey by Homer, the myth of Perseus and Medusa, the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, the myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece, the myth of Heracles, etc.  From Roman mythology, Solo read a synopsis of The Aeneid by Virgil.  He familiarized himself with Robin Hood folklore and the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.  Solo read or listened to over 65 fables.  

Solo familiarized himself with the following 42 short stories from German folklore retold by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm:  "The Frog King" (also known as "Iron Henry"), "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids" (also known as "The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats"), "Faithful John" (also known as "Trusty John" or "John the True"), "The Pack of Ragamuffins," "Rapunzel," "The Three Little Men in the Wood," "The Three Spinners" (also known as "The Three Spinning Women"), "Hansel and Gretel." "The Fisherman and His Wife", "The Valiant Little Tailor" (also known as "The Brave Little Tailor"), "Cinderella," "Mother Holle" (also known as "Old Mother Frost"), "The Seven Ravens," "Little Red Cap" (also known as "Little Red Riding Hood"), "The Bremen Town Musicians," "The Girl without Hands" (also known as "The Handless Maiden"), "Clever Elsie," "Thumbling" (also known as "Tom Thumb"), "Thumbling as Journeyman" (also known as "Thumbling's Travels"), "The Six Swans," "Little Briar Rose" (also known as "Sleeping Beauty"), "Fundevogel" (also known as "Foundling-Bird"), "King Thrushbeard," "Little Snow-White" (also known as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"), "Rumpelstiltskin," "The Three Feathers," "The Golden Goose," "Allerleirauh" (also known as "All-Kinds-of-Fur"), "The Wolf and the Fox," "Hans in Luck," "The Goose Girl," "The Peasant's Wise Daughter," "The Spirit in the Bottle," "Bearskin," "The Willow-Wren and the Bear, "Wise Folks," "The Shroud," "The Two Kings' Children," "The Seven Swabians," "One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes," "Snow White and Rose Red," and "The Elves and the Shoemaker."

Solo read these 5 fables by Hans Christian Andersen:  "The Emperor's New Clothes," "The Ugly Duckling," "The Princess and the Pea," "Thumbelina," and "The Brave Tin Soldier" (also known as "The Steadfast Tin Soldier").  Also, Solo read the following 20 fables:  "The Frogs Who Desired a King," "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," "The Three Little Pigs," "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," "The Three Billy Goats Gruff," "Jack and the Beanstalk," "Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves," "Chicken Little" (also known as "Henny Penny"), "Puss in Boots," "Paul Bunyan," "The Lion and the Mouse," "The Frog and the Ox," "The Tortoise and the Hare," "Baba Yaga," "The Ant & the Grasshopper," "The Fox and the Crow," “The Gingerbread Man,” “King Midas and the Golden Touch,” "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," and "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse."

M-25. Synopsis of Modern Classic Literature in Film Studies of Ashu M. G. Solo

​Solo included modern classic film literature in this section because many universities offer arts degrees and courses in film studies with a focus on fictional movies.  For example, in Wilfrid Laurier University film studies courses, they watch one movie per week and have three hours of discussions on it and lectures per week.  They can take courses on gangster film, detective film, animated film, war film, western film, science fiction film, etc.  Solo isn't interested in pursuing an arts degree because he focuses on engineering, math, and science courses in university, but he has studied a lot of modern classic film literature on his own.  Solo considers any movie made after World War II to be a modern classic if it was considered good enough to have a novelization, was considered good enough to have sequels, generated high box office revenues, became popular after leaving theaters, was based on a popular T.V. series, won important awards, or was critically acclaimed.

Solo read books, listened to audiobooks, and watched movies to be familiarized with novelizations of movies that were modern classics in science fiction including 1 book (The Abyss) by Orson Scott Card (novelization) and James Cameron (screenplay), 1 book (Alien) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), Dan O’Bannon (screenplay and story), and Ronald Shusett (story), 1 book (Aliens) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), James Cameron (screenplay and story), David Giler (story), Walter Hill (story), Dan O’Bannon (characters), and Ronald Shusett (characters), 1 book (Alien 3) by  Alan Dean Foster (novelization), David Giler (screenplay), Walter Hill (screenplay), Larry Ferguson (screenplay), Vincent Ward (story), Dan O’Bannon (characters), and Ronald Shusett (characters), 1 book (Alien Resurrection) by A. C. Crispin (novelization), Joss Whedon (screenplay), Dan O’Bannon (characters), and Ronald Shusett (characters), 1 book (Alien vs. Predator) by Marc Cerasini (novelization), Paul W. S. Anderson (screenplay and story), Don O'Bannon (story and characters), Ronald Shusett (story and characters), Jim Thomas (characters), and John Thomas (characters) 1 book (Alien Covenant) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), John Logan (screenplay), Dante Harper (screenplay), Jack Paglen (story), and Michael Green (story), 1 book (Armageddon) by M. C. Bolin (novelization), Jonathan Hensleigh (screenplay and story), J. J. Abrams (screenplay), Robert Roy Pool (story), Tony Gilroy (adaptation), and Shane Salerno (adaptation), 1 book (Back to the Future) by George Gipe (novelization), Robert Zemeckis (screenplay), and Bob Gale (screenplay), 2 books (Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III) by Craig Shaw Gardner (novelization), Bob Gale (screenplay and story), and Robert Zemeckis (story), 1 book (Battleship) by Peter David (novelization), Erich Hoeber (screenplay), and John Hoeber (screenplay), 1 book (Close Encounters of the Third Kind) by Steven Spielberg (novelization and screenplay), 1 book (Cowboys & Aliens) by Joan D. Vinge (novelization), Roberto Orci (screenplay), Alex Kurtzman (screenplay), Damon Lindelof (screenplay), Mark Fergus (screenplay and story), Hawk Ostby (screenplay and story), Steve Oedekerk (story), and Scott Mitchell Rosenberg (based on his comic book), 1 book (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial) by William Kotzwinkle (novelization) and Melissa Mathison (screenplay), 1 book (Flash Gordon) by Arthur Byron Cover (novelization), Lorenzo Semple, Jr. (screenplay), Michael Allin (adaptation), and Alex Raymond (characters), 1 book (Forbidden Planet) by W. J. Stuart (novelization), Cyril Hume (screenplay), Irving Block (story), and Allen Adler (story), 1 book (Herbie:  The Love Bug) by Mel Cebulash (novelization), Bill Walsh (screenplay), Don DaGradi (screenplay), and Gordon Buford (story), 1 book (Herbie Rides Again) by Mel Cebulash (novelization), Bill Walsh (screenplay), and Gordon Buford (story), 1 book (Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo) by Vic Crume (novelization), Arthur Alsberg (screenplay), Don Nelson (screenplay), and Gordon Buford (characters), 1 book (Independence Day) by Stephen Molstad (novelization), Dean Devlin (screenplay), and Roland Emmerich (screenplay), 1 book (Independence Day:  Resurgence) by Alex Irvine (novelization), Nicolas Wright (screenplay), James A. Woods (screenplay), and Dean Devlin (screenplay), 1 book (Men in Black) by J. J. Gardner (novelization), Ed Solomon (screenplay), and Lowell Cunningham (characters), 1 book (Men in Black II) by Esther M. Friesner (novelization), Barry Fanaro (screenplay), Robert Gordon (story), and Lowell Cunningham (characters), 1 book (Escape from the Planet of the Apes) by Jerry Pournelle (novelization), Paul Dehn, (screenplay), and Pierre Boulle (characters), 1 book (Conquest of the Planet of the Apes) by John Jakes (novelization), Paul Dehn (screenplay), and Pierre Boulle (characters), 1 book (Battle for the Planet of the Apes) by David Gerrold (novelization), John William Corrington (screenplay), Joyce Hooper Corrington (screenplay), Paul Dehn (story), and Pierre Boulle (characters), 1 book (Pitch Black:  Fight Evil with Evil) by  Frank Lauria (novelization), Jim Wheat (screenplay and story), Ken Wheat (screenplay and story), and David Twohy (screenplay), 1 book (The Chronicles of Riddick) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), David Twohy (screenplay), Jim Wheat (characters), and Ken Wheat (characters), 1 book (Predator) by Paul Monette (novelization), James E. Thomas (screenplay), and John C. Thomas (screenplay), 1 book (Predator 2) by Simon Hawke (novelization), Jim Thomas (screenplay), and John Thomas (screenplay), 1 book (Robocop) by Ed Naha (novelization), Edward Neumeier (screenplay), and Michael Miner (screenplay), 1 book (Robocop 2) by Ed Naha (novelization), Frank Miller (screenplay and story), Walon Green (screenplay), Edward Neumeier (characters), and Michael Miner (characters), 1 book (Short Circuit) by Colin Wedgelock (novelization), S.S. Wilson (screenplay), and Brent Maddock (screenplay), 1 book (Starman) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), Bruce A. Evans (screenplay), and Raynold Gideon (screenplay), 1 book (Star Trek:  The Motion Picture) by Harold Livingston (screenplay), Alan Dean Foster (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Khan) by Vonda N. McIntyre (novelization), Jack B. Sowards (screenplay and story), Harve Bennett (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek III:  The Search for Spock) by Vonda N. McIntyre (novelization), Harve Bennett (screenplay), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek IV:  The Voyage Home) by Vonda N. McIntyre (novelization), Harve Bennett (screenplay and story), Steve Meerson (screenplay), Peter Krikes (screenplay), Nicholas Meyer (screenplay), Leonard Nimoy (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek V:  The Final Frontier) by J. M. Dillard (novelization), David Loughery (screenplay and story), William Shatner (story), Harve Bennett (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek VI:  The Undiscovered Country) by J. M. Dillard (novelization), Nicholas Meyer (screenplay), Denny Martin Flinn (screenplay), Leonard Nimoy (story), Lawrence Konner (story), Mark Rosenthal (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek:  Generations) by J. M. Dillard (novelization), Ronald D. Moore (screenplay and story), Brannon Braga (screenplay and story), Rick Berman (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek:  First Contact) by  J. M. Dillard (novelization), Brannon Braga (screenplay and story), Ronald D. Moore (screenplay and story), Rick Berman (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek:  Insurrection) by J. M. Dillard (novelization), Michael Piller (screenplay and story), Rick Berman (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek:  Nemesis) by J. M. Dillard (novelization), John Logan (screenplay and story), Rick Berman (story), Brent Spiner (story), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), Roberto Orci (screenplay), Alex Kurtzman (screenplay), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Trek into Darkness) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), Roberto Orci (screenplay), Alex Kurtzman (screenplay), Damon Lindelof (screenplay), and Gene Roddenberry (based on his T.V. series), 1 book (Star Wars:  Episode I:  The Phantom Menace) by Terry Brooks (novelization) and George Lucas (screenplay), 1 book (Star Wars:  Episode II:  Attack of the Clones) by R. A. Salvatore (novelization), George Lucas (screenplay and story), and Jonathan Hales (story), 1 book (Star Wars:  Episode III:  Revenge of the Sith) by Patricia C. Wrede (novelization) and George Lucas (screenplay), 1 book (Star Wars:  Episode IV:  A New Hope) by George Lucas, 1 book (Star Wars:  Episode V:  The Empire Strikes Back) by Donald F. Glut (novelization), Leigh Brackett (screenplay), Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), and George Lucas (story), 1 book (Star Wars:  Episode VI:  Return of the Jedi) by James Kahn (novelization), Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), and George Lucas (screenplay and story), 1 book (Star Wars:  The Force Awakens) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), J. J. Abrams (screenplay), Michael Arndt (screenplay), and George Lucas (based on his movies), 1 book (Star Wars:  The Last Jedi) by Jason Fry (novelization), Rian Johnson (screenplay), and George Lucas (based on his movies), 1 book (Star Wars:  The Rise of Skywalker) by Rae Carson (novelization), Chris Terrio (screenplay and story), J. J. Abrams (screenplay and story), Derek Connolly (story), Colin Trevorrow (story), and George Lucas (based on his movies), 1 book (Rogue One:  A Star Wars Story) by Alexander Freed (novelization), Chris Weitz (screenplay), Tony Gilroy (screenplay), John Knoll (story), Gary Whitta (story), and George Lucas (based on his movies), 1 book (The Terminator) by Randall Frakes (novelization), James Cameron (screenplay), Gale Anne Hurd (screenplay), and William Wisher (screenplay), 1 book (THX 1138) by Ben Bova (novelization), George Lucas (screenplay), and Walter Murch (screenplay), 1 book (Transformers) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), Roberto Orci (screenplay and story), Alex Kurtzman (screenplay and story), and John Rogers (story), 1 book (Transformers:  Revenge of the Fallen) by Alan Dean Foster (novelization), Ehren Kruger (screenplay), Robert Orci (screenplay), and Alex Kurtzman (screenplay), 1 book (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets) by Christie Golden (novelization), Luc Besson (screenplay), Pierre Christin (characters), and Jean-Claude Mézières (characters), 1 book (WarGames) by David Bischoff (novelization), Lawrence Lasker (screenplay), and Walter F. Parkes (screenplay), and 1 book (Waterworld) by Max Allan Collins (novelization), Peter Rader (screenplay), and David Twohy (screenplay).  

Solo read books, listened to audiobooks, and watched movies to be familiarized with novelizations of movies that were superhero modern classics including 1 book (Batman) by Craig Shaw Gardner (novelization), Sam Hamm (screenplay and story), Warren Skaaren (screenplay), and Bob Kane (characters), 1 book (Batman Begins) by Dennis O'Neil (novelization), Christopher Nolan (screenplay), David S. Goyer (story), and Bob Kane (characters), 1 book (The Dark Knight) by Dennis O'Neil (novelization), Jonathan Nolan (screenplay), Christopher Nolan (screenplay and story), David S. Goyer (story), and Bob Kane (characters), 1 book (The Dark Knight Rises) by Greg Cox (novelization), Jonathan Nolan (screenplay), Christopher Nolan (screenplay and story), David S. Goyer (story), and Bob Kane (characters), 1 book (Condorman) by Joe Claro (novelization), Marc Stirdivant (screenplay), and Robert Sheckley (novel), 1 book (Daredevil) by Greg Cox (novelization) and Mark Steven Johnson (screenplay), 1 book (Green Lantern) by Tracey West (novelization), Greg Berlanti (screenplay and story), Michael Green (screenplay and story), Marc Guggenheim (screenplay and story), and Michael Goldenberg (screenplay), 1 book (Ghost Rider) by Greg Cox (novelization) and Mark Steven Johnson (screenplay), 1 book (Iron Man) by Peter David (novelization), Mark Fergus (screenplay), Hawk Ostby (screenplay), Art Marcum (screenplay), Matt Holloway (screenplay), Stan Lee (characters), Don Heck (characters), Larry Lieber (characters), and Jack Kirby (characters), 1 book (Iron Man 2) by Alexander Irvine (novelization), Justin Theroux (screenplay), Stan Lee (characters), Don Heck (characters), Larry Lieber (characters), and Jack Kirby (characters), 1 book (Spider-Man) by Peter David (novelization), David Koepp (screenplay), Stan Lee (characters), and Steve Ditko (characters), 1 book (Spider-Man 2) by Peter David (novelization), Alvin Sargent (screenplay), Alfred Gough (story), Miles Millar (story), Michael Chabon (story), Stan Lee (characters), and Steve Ditko (characters), 1 book (Spider-Man 3) by Peter David (novelization), Sam Raimi (screenplay and story), Ivan Raimi (screenplay and story), Alvin Sargent (screenplay), Stan Lee (characters), and Steve Ditko (characters), 1 book (Superman III) by William Kotzwinkle (novelization), David Newman (screenplay), Leslie Newman (screenplay), Jerry Siegel (characters), and Joe Shuster (characters), 1 book (Superman IV:  The Quest for Peace) by B. B. Hiller (novelization), Lawrence Kroner (screenplay and story), Mark Rosenthal (screenplay and story), Christopher Reeve (story), Jerry Siegel (characters), and Joe Shuster (characters), 1 book (Superman Returns) by Marv Wolfman (novelization), Michael Dougherty (screenplay and story), Dan Harris (screenplay and story), Bryan Singer (story), Jerry Siegel (characters), and Joe Shuster (characters), 1 book (Man of Steel) by Greg Cox (novelization), David S. Goyer (screenplay and story), Christopher Nolan (story), Jerry Siegel (characters), and Joe Shuster (characters), 1 book (X-Men) by Kristine Kathryn (novelization), Dean Wesley Smith (novelization), David Hayter (screenplay), Tom DeSanto (story), and Bryan Singer (story), and 1 book (X-Men 2) by Chris Claremont (novelization), Dan Harris (screenplay), Mike Dougherty (screenplay), Zak Penn (story), David Hayter (story), and Bryan Singer (story).  

Solo read books, listened to audiobooks, and watched movies to be familiarized with novelizations of movies that were modern classics in fiction including 1 book (Air Force One) by Max Allan Collins (novelization) and Andrew W. Marlowe (screenplay), 1 book (Beowulf) by Caitlín R. Kiernan (novelization), Neil Gaiman (screenplay), Roger Avary (screenplay), and an unknown author (based on the epic poem "Beowulf"), 1 book (Escape From New York) by Mike McQuay (novelization), John Carpenter (screenplay), and Nick Castle (screenplay), 1 book (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) by Todd Strasser (novelization) and John Hughes (screenplay), 1 book (The Fugitive) by J. M. Dillard (novelization),  Jeb Stuart (screenplay), David Twohy (screenplay), and Roy Huggins (characters), 1 book (Ghostbusters) by Larry Milne (novelization), Dan Aykroyd (screenplay), and Harold Ramis (screenplay), 1 book (Ghostbusters) by Nancy Holder (novelization), Katie Dippold (screenplay), Paul Feig (screenplay), Dan Akroyd (based on 1984 movie), and Harold Ramis (based on 1984 movie), 1 book (The Goonies) by James Kahn (novelization), Chris Columbus (screenplay), and Steven Spielberg (story), 1 book (Gremlins) by George Gipe (novelization) and Chris Columbus (screenplay), 1 book (Gremlins 2:  The New Batch) by David Bischoff (novelization), Charles S. Haas (screenplay), and Chris Columbus (based on his characters), 1 book (Hamburger Hill) by William Pelfrey (novelization) and James Carabatsos (screenplay), 1 book (Raiders of the Lost Ark) by Campbell Black (novelization), Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (story), and Philip Kaufman (story), 1 book (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) by James Kahn (novelization), Willard Huyck (screenplay), Gloria Katz (screenplay), and George Lucas (story), 1 book (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) by Rob MacGregor (novelization), Jeffrey Boam (screenplay), George Lucas (story), and Menno Meyjes (story), 1 book (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) by James Rollins (novelization), David Koepp (screenplay), George Lucas (story), and Jeff Nathanson (story), 1 book (Jaws 2) by Hank Searls (novelization), Howard Sackler (screenplay), Dorothy Tristan (screenplay), and Peter Benchley (based on his Jaws story), 3 books (The Karate Kid, The Karate Kid Part II, and The Karate Kid Part III) by B. B. Hiller (novelizations) and Robert Mark Kamen (screenplays), 1 book (King Kong) by Christopher Golden (novelization), Fran Walsh (screenplay), Philippa Boyens (screenplay), and Peter Jackson (screenplay), 1 book (Lethal Weapon) by Joel Norst (novelization) and Shane Black (screenplay), 1 book (Mad Max) by Terry Kaye (novelization), James McCausland (screenplay), George Miller (screenplay and story), and Byron Kennedy (story), 1 book (Mad Max 2) by Terry Hayes (novelization and screenplay), George Miller (screenplay and character), Brian Hannant (screenplay), and Byron Kennedy (character), 1 book (A Fistful of Dollars) by Frank Chandler (novelization), Víctor Andrés Catena (screenplay and story), Sergio Leone (screenplay and story), Jaime Comas Gil (screenplay), Adriano Bolzoni (story), and Mark Lowell (dialog), 1 book (For a Few Dollars More) by Joe Millard (novelization), Sergio Leone (screenplay and scenario), Luciano Vincenzoni (screenplay), and Fulvio Morsella (scenario), 1 book (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) by Joe Millard (novelization), Agenore Incrocci (screenplay), Furio Scarpelli (screenplay), Luciano Vincenzoni (screenplay and story), and Sergio Leone (screenplay and story), 1 book (Memphis Belle:  A Novelisation) by Monte Merrick (novelization and screenplay), 1 book (Mission:  Impossible) by Peter Barsocchini (novelization), David Koepp (screenplay and story), Robert Towne (screenplay), Steve Zaillian (story), and Bruce Geller (television series), 1 book (The Mummy) by Max Allan Collins (novelization), Stephen Sommers (screenplay), Lloyd Fonvielle (screenplay), and Kevin Jarre (screenplay), 1 book (Over the Top) by Joel Don Humphreys (novelization), Stirling Silliphant (screenplay), Sylvester Stallone (screenplay), Gary Conway (story), and David Engelbach (story), 1 book (Platoon) by Dale A. Dye (novelization) and Oliver Stone (screenplay), 1 book (Poltergeist) by James Kahn (novelization), Steven Spielberg (screenplay and story), Michael Grais (screenplay), and Mark Victor (screenplay), 1 book (Rambo:  First Blood Part II) by David Morrell (novelization and characters), Sylvester Stallone (screenplay), James Cameron (screenplay), and Kevin Jarre (story), 1 book (Rambo III) by David Morrell (novelization and characters), Sylvester Stallone (screenplay), and Sheldon Lettich (screenplay), 1 book (Rocky) by Julia Sorel (novelization) and Sylvester Stallone (screenplay), 1 book (Rocky II) by Sylvester Stallone, 1 book (Rocky III) by Robert Hoban (novelization) and Sylvester Stallone (screenplay), 1 book (Rocky IV) by Sylvester Stallone, 1 book (Romancing the Stone) by Catherine Lanigan (novelization) and Diane Thomas (screenplay), 1 book (The Jewel of the Nile) by Catherine Lanigan (novelization), Mark Rosenthal (screenplay), Lawrence Konner (screenplay), and Diane Thomas (characters), 1 book (The Sting) by Robert Weverka (novelization) and David S. Ward (screenplay), and 1 book (Top Gun) by Eileen Lottman (novelization), Jim Cash (screenplay), Jack Epps Jr. (screenplay), and Warren Skaaren (screenplay).  

Solo watched these modern classic social justice movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  Cop Land, Escape Plan, Internal Affairs, Lock Up, No Escape (1994), The Sound of Freedom, Training Day, and Wag the Dog.  Solo watched these modern classic military movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  The A-Team (2010), Behind Enemy Lines, Broken Arrow (1996), Casualties of War, Con Air, Courage under Fire, The Delta Force, The Dirty Dozen, A Few Good Men, Glory, Heartbreak Ridge, The Hurt Locker, Jarhead, The Last Castle, The Manchurian Candidate (2004), Missing in Action, Missing in Action 2:  The Beginning, No Time for Sergeants, An Officer and a Gentleman, The Patriot, Red Tails, The Rock, Rolling Thunder, Saving Private Ryan, Taps (1981), Tears of the Sun, 300, 300:  Rise of an Empire, Top Gun:  Maverick, and Under Siege.  Solo watched these modern classic spy movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  Jack Ryan:  Shadow Recruit and The Man from U.N.C.L.E.  Besides seeing the James Bond movies based on Ian Fleming's novels, Solo saw every other James Bond movie except the parody and the last movie:  You Only Live Twice, The Spy Who Loved Me, Moonraker, For Your Eyes Only, Octopussy, Never Say Never Again, A View to a Kill, The Living Daylights, Licence to Kill, GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough, Die Another Day, Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, and Spectre.

Solo watched these modern classic warrior movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  Cyborg, The Equalizer, The Equalizer 2, The Expendables, The Expendables 2, The Expendables 3, Mad Max:  Fury Road, The Punisher (2004), First Blood, Rambo, Rambo:  Last Blood, Taken, Taken 2, and Taken 3.  Solo watched these modern classic detective movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  Heat, Miami Vice (2006), Nancy Drew (2007), Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase, Sherlock Holmes (2009), Sherlock Holmes:  Game of Shadows, Starsky & Hutch, and Thelma & Louise.  Solo watched these modern classic western movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  The Lone Ranger, The Magnificent Seven (2016), Red River, Silverado, and Unforgiven.  Solo watched these modern classic fighter movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  Bloodsport,  Kickboxer, Rocky V, Rocky Balboa, Creed, and Creed II.

Solo watched these modern classic science fiction movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Avatar; Blade Runner 2049; The Blob; Creature from the Black Lagoon; The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951); District 9; Edge of Tomorrow; The Fifth Element; The Fly; The Fly II; Gattaca; G.I. Joe:  The Rise of Cobra; Gravity; Hollow Man; I, Robot; Independence Day; Independence Day:  Resurgence; John Carter; Looper; The Matrix; Oblivion; Passengers; Beneath the Planet of the Apes; Planet of the Apes (2001); Rise of the Planet of the Apes; Dawn of the Planet of the Apes; War for the Planet of the Apes; Prometheus; Real Steel; Screamers:  The Hunting; Star Trek Beyond; and War of the Worlds (2005).  Solo watched these modern classic superhero movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  The Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Ant-Man, Batman v Superman:  Dawn of Justice, The Bourne Legacy, Captain America:  The First Avenger, Captain America:  Civil War, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man 3, Justice League, Marvel's The Avengers, Avengers:  Age of Ultron, Superman:  The Movie, Superman II, Swamp Thing, Thor, Thor:  The Dark World, X-Men Origins:  Wolverine, and Logan.

Solo watched these modern classic ocean movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations:  Baywatch, Cast Away, Pirates of the Caribbean:  Dead Man's Chest, and Titanic.  Solo watched these modern classic horror movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations, but horror movies don't scare him:  I Know What You Did Last Summer, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, Ouija, Paranormal Activity, The Purge, and The Sixth Sense.  Solo watched these modern classic gangster movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations, but he doesn't like gangster movies because all of the main characters are evil so there is nobody to cheer for:  John Wick, Ocean's Eight, Ocean's Eleven ​(2001), Scarface (1983), and Thunderbolt and Lightfoot.  Solo watched these classic or modern classic comedy movies that weren't based on books and don't have novelizations, but he doesn't like most comedy movies because they promote debauchery, are disgusting, mock mentally challenged people, mock otherwise disabled people, mock immigrants, mock the academically accomplished, or are foolish rather than funny:  Air Raid Wardens (Laurel and Hardy) and The Three Stooges..

M-26. Synopsis of Comics Studies of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo included comics studies in this section because many universities offer arts programs and courses in comics studies.  Solo isn't interesting in pursuing an arts degree or taking arts courses because he focuses on engineering, math, and science courses in university.  However, as a kid, Solo liked reading countless DC, Marvel, Harvey, Disney, and Looney Tunes comic books.  Also, he read Tintin, Peanuts, and Dennis the Menace graphic novels.

Solo familiarized himself through movies, T.V. series, books, or comic books with the origin stories for 65 superheroes.  These include 43 DC superheroes, 16 Marvel superheroes, and 7 other superheroes.  He read Super Hero Origin Stories retold by Michael Robin, Nathanael Katz, and Noah Smith on DC superheroes.  Solo familiarized himself with the origin stories for these 43 DC superheroes:  Justice League (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Firestorm, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Martian Manhunter, Plasic Man, Supergirl, and Zatanna), Teen Titans (Robin, Aqualad, Batgirl, Beast Boy, Bumblebee, Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire), Green Lantern Corps (Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and Jessica Cruz), Justice Society of America (Stargirl, Starman, Wildcat II, Wildcat, Hourman II, Hourman, Doctor Mid-Nite, and Shining Knight), The Shazam! Family (Shazam! Mary, Eugene, Pedro, and Darla), The Atom, Mera, Nubia, and Swamp Thing.  Solo familiarized himself with the origin stories for these 16 Marvel superheroes:  Avengers (Ironman, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America,  Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Daredevil,  Wolverine, and Deadpool), Guardians of the Galaxy (Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot), and Johnny Blaze as Ghost Rider.  Solo familiarized himself with the origin stories for these 7 other superheroes:  Green Hornet, Kato, Greatest American Hero, Condorman, Infurman, Lucy, and Hancock.  Solo prefers superheroes without super powers.  

M-27. Synopsis of Hands-On (Trades) Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo was certified in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), but didn’t have time to redo the training every three years to keep getting recertified.  He took a short course on essential oils to use for treatment of any personal injuries he gets in the future.

Solo has a lot of experience in resolving hardware and software issues with computers and computer peripherals.

Solo is somewhat skilled in mechanical repair and electrical debugging of cars and motorcycles, but has no formal training in vehicle repair.  He read car and motorcycle repair manuals or got instructions from someone more experienced to repair and maintain his vehicles.

Solo did workplace hazardous materials information systems (WHMIS) training to meet university degree requirements.

Solo studied survival tactics including wilderness survival and preventing and surviving animal attacks.

Solo has done some drafting (in university and school), soldering (for motorcycle repair and in school), graphics design with drawing software (for research papers and demo software), graphics design without drawing software (in school), computer slide preparation (for research presentations and intelligent systems lectures), arts and crafts (in school), woodworking (in school and work), construction renovations (on his own and under supervision of a carpenter), home repairs (on his own), videography (under supervision of a videographer), sound editing (on his own), photographic development (in school), sewing (infantry badges on infantry uniforms), gardening (under supervision of gardeners), and innovative foods preparation (on his own), but isn’t interested in or particularly good at these trades and trade skills.

Solo watched parts of almost every aspect of a three-floor extension to a house being constructed to see how it's done.  He built wooden pen holders, a wooden stool, a wooden bowl, a wooden puzzle, a wooden name engraving, walls, etc.

M-28. Synopsis of Travel Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo decided to add this section after seeing University of Saskatchewan gives academic course credit toward arts degrees for traveling abroad with the university, but he isn't interested in pursuing an arts degree.  Solo has spent two or more days in 70 cities and towns in eight countries (U.S.A., Canada, India, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Germany, and England).  He spent a month or more in 19 of these cities and towns and six months or more in three of these countries.  He has been to 23 American states, 6 Canadian provinces, and 9 Indian states.  He was born in Canada.  Solo visited countless historical sites, museums, and landmarks in eight countries; the best of these were the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex; Taj Mahal; Statue of Liberty; Red Fort; U.S.S Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum; National Gandhi Museum; Western Development Museum; Niagara Falls; Ontario Science Centre; computer museum at the IBM Gallery of Science and Art; and various castles in European countries.  As a result of his travels, Solo attended many research multiconferences and conferences; saw the differences in life, standards of living, amenities, technology, culture, and religions in different countries; learned about geographical layout and how to get around different cities, metropolitan areas, and universities; visited countless landmarks, museums, and historical sites; and practiced different human languages and different versions of English.

N. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Physical and Mental Activities of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo likes doing combat sports and extreme sports as described above as well as physical training.  Solo has done over 1500 push-ups in two hours many times and ran a 42 km (26 mile) marathon on a treadmill.  Solo likes and is extremely good at mathematical puzzles, logical puzzles, topological puzzles (disentanglement puzzles), and combination puzzles (sequential move puzzles).  Solo's main academic aptitudes and interests are in research and development in math, intelligent systems engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, public policy, and politics as well as in writing.  Solo's main athletic aptitudes and interests are in infantry combat, vale tudo, kickboxing, push-ups, and running.

O. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Teaching Experience of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo presented a four-hour professional association tutorial on fuzzy logic theory and applications.  Topics covered included introduction to intelligent systems, uncertainty and imprecision, human perception and cognition, fuzzy sets, fuzzy membership functions, linguistic variables, linguistic qualifiers, fuzzy rules, fuzzy database queries, computational theory of perceptions, computing with words, fuzzy math, fuzzy systems, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy rule induction, type-two fuzzy logic, fuzzy knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic in decision making, fuzzy logic in linguistic evaluations, fuzzy logic in data mining, fuzzy logic in politics and public policy, fuzzy logic in word definitions, fuzzy logic in sound recognition, fuzzy logic in optimization of power distribution system operations, and fuzzy control systems.

Solo presented a one-hour research conference tutorial on uncertainty and fuzzy logic with data mining applications.  Topics covered included introduction to intelligent systems, uncertainty and imprecision, human perception and cognition, fuzzy sets, fuzzy membership functions, linguistic variables, linguistic qualifiers, fuzzy rules, fuzzy database queries, computational theory of perceptions, computing with words, fuzzy math, fuzzy systems, and fuzzy logic in data mining.  

In addition to that, Solo separately explained fuzzy logic theory and applications to two researchers, separately explained theory and applications of neural networks and higher order neural networks to two researchers, and explained theory of multidimensional matrix mathematics to one researcher.

Solo mentored 4 people who subsequently had great achievements in their areas of endeavor.  He provided computer hardware and software technical support to 5 people.  He taught electronics design, software design, and intelligent systems concepts to 2 elementary school students.  He tutored a graduate student, undergraduate student, high school student, and 2 elementary school students in math.  He provided writing style improvement assistance to 13 people and resume improvement assistance to 8 people. 

P. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Entrepreneurial Experience Involving Companies of Ashu M. G. Solo

P-1. Synopsis of Business Development Skills of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo has extensive experience in business development, but prefers doing engineering and math research and development.  He knows how to use math and intelligent systems for business process optimization and has experience in business startup, business plan development, administration, accounting, marketing, production, event organization, real estate property management, and preparation of utility patent specifications.  He started six profitable companies by himself or with others.  

P-2. Synopsis of Business Development Experience of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo founded and owns a company for product engineering; software engineering and web application development; and research and development in intelligent systems, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, intelligent systems in power systems, public policy engineering, computational public policy, political engineering, computational politics, public policy, and politics.  This company generates consumer products; web applications and other software applications; new engineering and math theory and applications in patents and research papers; and books and journal special issues for publication by research publishers.  All of this work is done by Solo sometimes in conjunction with research or development colleagues.

Solo founded and owns a company to provide different consulting services.  These consulting services are offered by Solo:  math, intelligent systems, and data mining short courses, intelligent systems development, control systems development, algorithm development, patent specifications, diversity consulting, vehicle price negotiation, media consulting, and writing style improvement.  These consulting services are offered by Solo with sub-contractors:  intelligent control systems development, software development, web development and design, labor market opinion applications, language translation, math tutoring, and property management.  Some of these services were offered under different companies owned by Solo before.

Q. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Entrepreneurial Experience Not Involving Companies of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo made significant profits by acquiring different types of goods (car, computers, books, CDs, etc.) at low prices and selling them at much higher prices through various means including an online book store on Amazon.  While Solo was a full-time engineering student, he did these two entrepreneurial activities:  Solo rented a house from four former university students who had moved to other cities, but were waiting for property values to rise before selling the house.  Then Solo rented the rooms in the house to other university students for twice what Solo paid.  Solo negotiated buying a Corvette L82 for $4400, drove it for a year until it developed an oil leak, and then sold it for $6900.

R. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Miscellaneous Support Work (Not Involving Research or Development) of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo was a precision driver and video camera operator for an unreleased independent film.  Because of Solo's self-defense skills, while he was an undergraduate student, he was appointed to prevent and break up fights at two student events.  Solo is experienced in doing private investigations of individuals committing illegal acts.

Solo was a diversity advisor for an engineering organization.  He was the chief organizer of 2 events for a political party, 2 events for an engineering company’s student activity committee, 5 events for a university student association, and 10 events for an IEEE student branch.

Solo did miscellaneous nonacademic labor as a volunteer for two civil rights organizations, two kickboxing clubs, a kayak racing club, and a student engineering event.  As a kid, he did miscellaneous nonacademic labor as a volunteer for UNICEF (participated in fundraising event in elementary school), Cystic Fibrosis Canada (participated in fundraising event in university Frosh Week), Ronald McDonald House (participated in fundraising event in high school), Rotary Club (participated in fundraising event as a kid), and Saskatoon Folkfest (sold tickets at door for five events).  

S. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Early Accomplishments of Ashu M. G. Solo

Since he was a little kid, Solo has been driving himself forward with all of his vigor.  He intended to be an engineer and infantry officer since he was a little kid.  He knew how to count orally to one less than one quadrillion at 4 years old.  Solo started designing simple software and simple hardware when he was 6 years old and designing intelligent systems when he was 12 years old.

S-1. Synopsis of Early Academic Accomplishments of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo first got ahead in school by finishing the second grade math workbook in the summer holidays after first grade and by working ahead in second grade in language arts while other kids were actually playing with the teacher’s stuffed animals, so he took third grade math and third grade language arts in second grade.  Then Solo skipped a grade and continued working ahead because of the super slow pace of school.

Solo was in the advanced classes in elementary school and level one (advanced level) courses in every subject with different levels in high school.  Advanced courses are more difficult, cover more material, and are harder to get high grades in.  Solo was the top student in calculus, algebra, geometry/trigonometry (got 100%), and computer science.  Solo won an Academic Growth Award when completing elementary school and an Award of Great Distinction when completing high school.

Solo started electrical and computer engineering (with math and science courses) at University of Waterloo as a full-time student at the age of 16 after taking an extra year of high school courses that weren’t even required so he could have started university at the age of 15.  When he was 16 in university, most of his classmates were 19 or older due to a 13-grade system in Ontario.  Solo was the youngest in his class.

There's a lot of overlap between electrical engineering and computer engineering and the first year of both programs were the same.  Solo took every core course in electrical engineering, every core course in computer engineering, and numerous other optional courses in electrical and computer engineering.  

Admission to electrical engineering at University of Waterloo required a 93% average in high school as well as many extracurricular activities or accomplishments so every student in Solo's class was one of the top students in her high school and the program was made extremely difficult to suit the top students.  There has been mark creep so it's easier to get the 93% entrance average now than it was before.  Solo was awarded a Canada Scholarship, Saskatchewan General Proficiency Scholarship, and IBM scholarship before starting university.

In high school, Solo took 43 courses including 1 in calculus, 4 in algebra, 3 in geometry/trigonometry, 2 in computer science, 2 in physics, 2 in chemistry, 2 in biology, 1 in science, 4 in history, 1 in economic history, 1 in psychology, 8 in English, 4 in French language, 1 in small engines, 1 in typing, 1 in drafting, 1 in woodworking, 1 in photography and graphics design, 1 in consumer studies, and 2 in physical education.  He was in an advanced science course that combined grade 9 science and grade 10 science into 1 course.  To graduate, a student needed 21 courses from grades 10-12.  Solo took 31 courses from grades 10-12 and still graduated when he was 16 years old.  This was an extra year of courses.

Solo could have started electrical and computer engineering at University of Waterloo when he was 15 years old by not taking these high school courses that weren’t prerequisites for electrical and computer engineering and that weren’t compulsory for a high school diploma:  2 computer science courses, 2 biology courses, 1 history course, 1 economic history course, 1 psychology course, and 3 French language courses.  Solo didn’t need the computer science courses because he had already learned much more about software engineering on his own.

In elementary school, Solo took 45 courses including 7 in math, 7 in science, 2 in health, 1 in computer history, 5 in social studies (history, geography, and government), 7 in language arts, 2 in French language, 6 in art, 1 in industrial arts (woodworking, photography, and elementary electronics), and 7 in physical education.  He skipped the fifth grade.

S-2. Synopsis of Early Elite Enrichment Programs of Ashu M. G. Solo

While in high school, Solo attended noncredit university math lectures taught by a math professor for the best local high school students in math.  Prior to university, Solo was selected for an elite enrichment program called "Shad Valley" for the best high school students across Canada who have demonstrated exceptional abilities in engineering, math, and science.  This program was taught by university professors in engineering, math, science, and entrepreneurship and had lectures and projects on these subjects as well as activities.  In addition to being selected for this program, he was awarded a Canadian Centre for Creative Technology scholarship to attend this program.  He left Shad Valley early and resumed working as a research assistant at the University of Saskatchewan.

S-3. Synopsis of Early Engineering and Math Research, Development, and Entrepreneurship of Ashu M. G. Solo

For innovative research and development, Solo won first prize overall, first prize in the senior computer science category twice, and the IBM Regional Computer Technology Award twice at two Saskatoon Regional Science Fair competitions.  He was chosen to attend the Saskatchewan Science and Technology Winners’ Showcase and chosen to represent Saskatoon region twice at two Canada-Wide Science Fair competitions where he won a silver medal and honorable mention in the senior computer science category.  

While in high school, Solo developed a computer aided design (CAD) system with Fractal geometry for graphics and sound generation, Euclidean geometry for graphics, and traditional CAD drawing features.  He created a brochure and attempted to sell this software to software companies.  Sold sold a copy of this software to a university research group studying computer-based cartography methods.  He developed Fractal algorithms for generation of computer art and sound effects.  

This software developed by Solo called "FractalCAD" provides Euclidean geometry for drawing lines, circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas, and inverse variation curves through mathematical equations; provides Fractal geometry for drawing natural dseigns or generating sounds through a variety of iterative, nonlinear mathematical equations; provides five different line types to choose from with varying thickness and design; allows text to be incorporated within designs; allows circles, arcs, and ellipses to be drawn through point plotting and without specifying their equations; provides a paint feature with various patterns for closed figures; and allows the user to move, copy, fill, inverse, change colors in, erase, zoom, rotate, or save a section of the screen. 

Also, Solo's FractalCAD software displays various background and point colors for both color and enhanced graphics adapters; provides two different types of grids as a reference when drawing; allows the size and color of these grids to be changed; allows the user to have rubberband lines, boxes, or crosshairs as a drawing aid; displays the coordinates of the cursor and either the current work file name, point color, line type, and screen number or the distance, angle, and slope of the cursor from the last point plotted; provides nine screens that are a part of the graphics editor; provides an undo feature that erases the last drawing command given by the user; and provides a help screen. 

Furthermore, FractalCAD allows designs to be saved or retrieved on a disk, allows designs to be recalled in other programs, allows designs to be printed, and lets the user access all of the commands available in the disk operating system through a DOS shell. 

Solo created demo software too that displays graphic designs created with his FractalCAD software.

Many of the educational development projects listed above were developed by Solo prior to starting university.  Solo made hundreds of presentations of his research and development at five Saskatoon Regional Science Fair competitions, two Canada-Wide Science Fair competitions, and a Saskatchewan Science and Technology Winners' Showcase prior to starting university.

Solo learned 11 of the 42 programming languages he studied, many of which are similar, before starting university.  As a kid, Solo read numerous nonfiction books on programming languages, operating systems, other software, computer architecture, electronics, other engineering, math, science, etc.  He was in a computer club for software development while he was in elementary school.

S-4. Synopsis of Early Engineering Employment of Ashu M. G. Solo

After seeing his abilities, a dean of engineering hired Solo at 13 years old to work for him as an engineering research assistant.  While other high school students were doing unskilled labor jobs, this was Solo’s first employee position.  Solo worked every summer in engineering at the university while in high school.

S-5. Synopsis of Early Nontechnical Entrepreneurship of Ashu M. G. Solo

As part of the Junior Achievement youth entrepreneurship program when Solo was 13, Solo and other high school students started and operated a business to manufacture and sell jar openers and wooden pen holders that look like dice.  As part of Junior Achievement when Solo was 14, Solo and other high school students started and operated a business to manufacture and sell coin banks.

S-6. Synopsis of Other Early Awards of Ashu M. G. Solo

In first grade, Solo won an award for writing the best short story in the first through third grades in Saskatchewan, and this story was published.  He won numerous math competitions in school.  Solo won the only chess tournament he competed in, but he cares about fighting for paramount liberty in and out of the infantry, not worthless board game victory.

S-7. Synopsis of Other Early Activities of Ashu M. G. Solo

As a kid, Solo could quickly solve several combination puzzles including Rubik’s Cube, Missing Link, and Rubik's Twist.  He was so good at these sequential move puzzles as a kid that he could quickly look at the puzzles and then make a bunch of moves at a time without looking at them. 

Solo wrote the exams for these University of Waterloo math and science contests while he was in high school:  Euclid Mathematics Contest (for grade 12 students), Fermat Mathematics Contest (for grade 11 students), Cayley Mathematics Contest (for grade 10 students), Pascal Mathematics Contest (for grade 9 students), Sir Isaac Newton Physics Exam, and the Avogadro Exam (chemistry).  The other University of Waterloo contests weren't available when Solo was in school.  If they were, he would have entered them. 

Solo was invited to write an article for a school newspaper about his experience at a Canada-Wide Science Fair event.

As a kid, Solo was in Scouts Canada programs for seven years, played on numerous sports teams, and did intense physical training for muscular and cardiovascular endurance to prepare for being an infantry officer.

S-8. Synopsis of Early Classic and Modern Classic Literature Education of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo read the majority of the adult fiction classics listed above while he was in high school or elementary school.  He got an early start in reading classics by reading numerous young adult fiction classics including multiple fiction classics by Franklin W. Dixon (The Hardy Boys books), etc.; one fiction classic by each of Robert Browning (The Pied Piper of Hamelin), Lewis Carroll (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland), Carlo Collodi (The Adventures of Pinnochio), Robert McCloskey (Homer Price), etc.; multiple modern classics in fiction by each of John D. Fitzgerald (The Great Brain books), Carolyn Haywood (Eddie books), Clifford B. Hicks (Alvin Fernald books), Astrid Lindgren (Pippi Longstocking books), R. A. Montgomery (Choose Your Own Adventure books), Edward Packard (Choose Your Own Adventure books), Donald J. Sobol (Encyclopedia Brown books and Two-Minute Mysteries books), etc.; and one modern classic in fiction by each of Enid Blyton (The Island of Adventure), Beverly Cleary (Ramona the Brave), Roald Dahl (Charlie and  the Chocolate Factory), Madeleine L’Engle (A Wrinkle in Time), Roger Lancelyn Green (The Adventures of Robin Hood), S. E. Hinton (The Outsiders), Alexander Key (Escape to Witch Mountain), Gordon Korman (This Can't Be Happening at Macdonald Hall!), Mordecai Richler (Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang), Dodie Smith (The Hundred and One Dalmations), E. B. White (Charlotte's Web), etc.  When he first learned to read, Solo read classic books by Margret and H. A. Rey (Curious George books), Dr. Seuss books, and fairy tales.  

T. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Healthy Diet of Ashu M. G. Solo

According to statistics on what people eat, Solo had a healthier diet than most people in his age groups since he was born.  ​Also, he never consumed many of the unhealthiest foods and drinks.  To increase and improve on his athletic accomplishments, be a better warrior, increase lifespan, and prevent disease, Solo maintained a 100% healthy diet with no unhealthy food, no unhealthy ingredients in any food he ate, no oil, no sugar products, no artificial sweeteners, no junk food, no empty calories, no white flour products, no white rice, no ultraprocessed food, etc. for over 150 consecutive days, for over 145 consecutive days, three times for over 25 consecutive days, for over 15 consecutive days, for over 10 consecutive days, and for countless shorter periods he didn't keep track of ranging from one day to one week.  He recently ate or drank a lot of these vegetables and fruits:  brown lentils, red lentils, toor daal (another variety of red lentils), chana dal (another variety of lentils), moong dal (another variety of lentils), chick peas, black-eyed peas, pigeon peas, red kidney beans, white kidney beans, romano beans, lima beans, black beans, black matpe beans, black turtle beans, pinto beans, navy beans, soybeans, peas, broccoli, spinach, kale, cauliflower, hearts of palm, artichoke hearts, water chestnuts, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, black olives, green bell peppers, red bell peppers, yellow bell peppers, cucumbers, corn, mushrooms, squash, wheatgrass juice, apples, oranges, nectarines, peaches, kiwis, mangoes, guava, pears, pineapple, passion fruit, dragon fruit, dates, bananas, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, watermelons, green grapes, pomegranate, and coconut.  He eats a little of the following nuts and seeds several times per week:  almonds, walnuts, hulled sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, and poppy seeds.  

U. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Enhanced Productivity and Enhanced Quality and Quantity of Accomplishments of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo was able to get more much work done than other people because he used speed reading methods, memorization methods, mental math methods, and typing methods; worked with many other people; figured out engineering and math problems in his head, came up with new ideas, or listened to audiobooks or news while doing physical training and labor work such as driving; read books while waiting; almost never sat around doing nothing; worked while watching T.V.; didn’t have a T.V. and almost never watched T.V. while he was a full-time engineering student; didn’t have a T.V. and never watched T.V. during infantry officer training; worked quickly; finished school at a faster pace by working ahead; started doing engineering development at 6 years old; started doing engineering research at 12 years old; was a hardcore software developer throughout high school; did some work almost every day since he was 12 years old because engineering and math research and development are highly entertaining; ate really well, never drank alcohol, never smoked, and never took recreational drugs, performance enhancing drugs, or illegal drugs; got regular medical check-ups to avoid illness, disease, accidents, and early death; never wasted time and money by gambling on casino games or otherwise betting on randomness; never fully watched a team sports game that he wasn't playing in; ate quickly to save time; worked about 80 hours per week as a researcher and developer; worked about 100 hours per week as a full-time engineering student; frequently worked about 20 hours per day in infantry officer training; very frequently worked to the point of exhaustion; often worked past the point of exhaustion; sometimes worked while extremely sleep deprived; employed assistants to do grunt work; bought large amounts of consumable goods at once so he wouldn’t have to go shopping repeatedly; never participated in acting, wearing costumes, singing, or playing musical instruments in school or elsewhere; didn't have his own family to look after; never had a wife to occupy his time; etc. 

While other people aimed for mediocre achievements, Solo aimed for the greatest achievements.  While other people aimed to blend in with the rest, Solo aimed to be the best.  While other people thought the sky is the limit, Solo thought the stars are the limit.  While other people traveled on life trails so worn down that they were ordinary, Solo sought life trails that were extraordinary.  While other people focused on short-term gain, Solo endured short-term pain for long-term gain.  While other people saw the world as it is, Solo saw the world as it should be in addition to as it is.

While other people learned engineering or math theory just to pass exams in university, Solo saw new ways to expand and apply engineering and math theory.  While other people only did work that they were paid to do or received academic credit to do, Solo did whatever work his research, development, and writing ideas led him to do.  

While other people struggled to grasp complicated concepts, Solo never had any significant trouble understanding any concept.  While other people wasted time doing moderately difficult calculations with an electronic calculator, Solo used his mental calculator.  While other people had to write out each significant step of engineering, math, and science problems, Solo can mentally process most or all of the steps for these problems.

While other people wasted time slowly reading, Solo was speed reading.  While other people wasted time slowly memorizing, Solo used highly effective methods for rapidly memorizing.  While other people remembered things to do or buy by writing lists, Solo used memory techniques to remember these lists.  While other people wasted time typing slowly, Solo was typing extremely quickly.  While other people wasted time typing with one or two fingers on smartphone keyboards, Solo typed up to 97 words per minute on regular keyboards.

While other people procrastinate doing work, Solo procrastinates quitting work.  While other people took a lot of holidays, Solo did at least some work every day.  

While other people wasted time using calculators with infix notation, Solo used calculators with a stack feature and postfix notation.  While other people wasted time using look-up tables for complex engineering calculations, Solo programmed the formulas into his engineering calculator.  While other people wasted time doing repetitive tasks manually, Solo wrote software to do many repetitive tasks automatically.  While other people used technology, Solo developed and used technology.

While other people used one average-performance computer with a few open windows, Solo used two high-performance computers side by side with hundreds of open windows.  While other people wait for a computer to finish processing a task, Solo keeps working on a second computer on another task.  While other people used inferior hardware and software, Solo used superior computers, calculators, programming languages, operating systems, editors, word processors, and other software.  While other people used free programming languages, Solo used Borland programming languages.  While other people wrote multiple drafts of documents on paper prior to and during the 1980s, Solo used word processors during and after the 1980s.

While other people obtained course materials as they needed them, Solo obtained materials for courses he planned to take years in advance of taking them.   While other people bought nonperishable consumable goods for a short time, Solo aimed to buy enough for four months at a time.  While other people walked around university campuses, Solo usually biked around university campuses.  While other people bused to school and elsewhere, Solo biked to school and elsewhere.  Before cellular phones were common, while other people wasted time on university campuses going to stores, restaurants, libraries, copy centers, etc. that were closed, Solo wrote down the hours of operation so he knew what was open and closed.

While other people didn't go to university or took most of their university courses from average universities, Solo took most of his university courses from top-tier universities.  While other people only took courses from one university, Solo sought the best courses he could find in his areas of interest at the best universities and other universities.  While other people took courses with their age groups, Solo took courses ahead or way ahead of his age group.  While other people took the easiest courses that they could find in their areas of interest, Solo took the hardest courses that he could find in his areas of interest.  While other people took commonsense courses, Solo took engineering, math, and science courses.  While other people used technology without understanding how it works, Solo sought to understand how it works.  While other people took courses only to get university degrees, Solo took courses to use in his research and development and get university degrees.  While other people stopped taking courses after receiving a university degree, Solo kept taking courses indefinitely.

While other people played Call of Duty, Solo answered the call of duty.  While other people played on sports teams to win trophies, Solo served in the infantry to win liberty.  While other people were apathetic to the suffering of humanity and accepted peace under tyranny outside their country, Solo trained to fight war for liberty.  While other people guarded their safety, Solo served in the infantry.  While other people wouldn't risk their lives for liberty because of fear, Solo served in the branch of the military known as the "tip of the spear."  While other people trained to sing and dance, Solo trained to be the tip of the lance.  While other people joined the military to learn civilian trades, Solo was trained in the infantry to fight the forces of tyranny by bullets, blades, blunt force, and grenades.  While other people trained to fight from the rear, Solo trained to be the tip of the spear.  While other people have a fright and flight response, Solo served as an infantry officer because he has a fight response.  While other people shot and fought in video games, Solo was trained to be a mixed combative arts fighter and participated as an infantry officer in numerous actual military war games.  While other people sought to be Nintendo warriors, Solo was trained to be a real warrior.  While other people were interested in arts and crafts, Solo was interested in battlecraft and fieldcraft.  While other people accepted or perpetrated corruption and discrimination in the military, Solo fought against corruption and discrimination in the military.  While other people trained to fight for tyranny, Solo trained to fight for liberty.

While other people did moderate or mild physical training, Solo did intense physical training.  While other people watched sports, Solo did combat sports, extreme sports, and regular sports.  While other people played or watched esports, Solo did combat sports and extreme sports.  While other people were interested in performing arts, Solo did mixed combative arts.  While other people went to night clubs, Solo went to fight clubs.  While other people sung and danced under tyranny, Solo trained to fight for liberty in the military.  While other people learned martial arts that are worthless in real fights, Solo learned the most effective combative arts for real fights.

While other people spent time and money going to fitness centers to use fitness equipment, Solo had his own fitness equipment.  While other people could only use fitness equipment in fitness centers during their highly limited operating hours, Solo could use his own fitness equipment at any hour.

While other people improved their physical training with performance enhancing drugs, Solo does physical training to improve health and longevity so there’s no point in taking performance enhancing drugs.  While other people consume energy supplements during physical training, Solo has never taken an energy supplement because they defeat the purpose of physical training.

While other people left battles for right for others to fight, Solo made them his battles to fight.  While other people accepted injustice, Solo fought for justice.  While other people perpetrated or turned a blind eye to abuse of authority, Solo fought against abuse of authority.  While other people bootlicked authority, Solo fought against abuse of authority.  While other people fawned over so-called royalty and monarchy, Solo fought for liberty, justice, and equity.  While other people accepted discrimination, bigotry, corruption, and illegality to get along, Solo accepted no wrong.  

While other people attended protests for environmental safety, Solo developed environmental protection technology.  While other people engaged in slacktivism, Solo engaged in effective activism.  While other people engaged in activism that caused no social change, Solo engaged in activism that caused numerous social changes.  

While other people fought for public policies for the regression of society, Solo fought for public policies for the progression of society.  While other people fought for public policies for hatred over acceptance, the powerful over the people, and the special interest over the public interest, Solo fought for public policies for acceptance over hatred, the people over the powerful, and the public interest over the special interest.  While other people fought for tyranny over liberty, injustice over justice, inequity over equity, and environmental calamity over environmental safety, Solo fought for liberty over tyranny, justice over injustice, equity over inequity, and environmental safety over environmental calamity.  While other people accepted or perpetrated discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or disability, Solo did major activism to fight against discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and disability.  While other people fought against one, two, or a few forms of discrimination and bigotry, Solo fought against many forms of discrimination and bigotry.  While other people did activism for money, Solo did activism for liberty, justice, equity, environmental safety, and progressive public policy.

While other people were mindless cheerleaders for a country, Solo fought against what's wrong in the country.  While other people talked about what's right with a country, Solo researched, wrote, and talked about how to fix what's wrong with a country.  While other people put loyalty to a political party over morality and the good of a country, Solo put morality and the good of a country over a political party.  While other people blindly believed in ideology, Solo believed in rationality.  

While other people denied the problem or ignored the problem, Solo worked to solve the problem.  While other people hoped the problem would go away, Solo worked to make the problem go away.

While other people engaged in prayers, Solo filed secularism cases that nobody else dares.  While other people watched religious lectures, Solo watched engineering, math, and science lectures.  While other people did religious activities, Solo did engineering activities.  While other people demonstrated religiosity, Solo demonstrated morality.  While other people believed in superstition, Solo believed in reason.  While other people wasted time, money, and opportunities after being fooled by mendacity, Solo sought veracity.  

While other people watched, listened to, and read entertainer gossip and sports news, Solo followed political news.  While other people studied sports history, Solo studied world history.  While other people were brainwashed with trash like Fox News and Sun News, Solo got the truth from a wide variety of news.  While other people watched worthless personal life reality shows like Jerry Springer, Solo got reviewed publications with academic publishers like Springer.  While other people watched T.V., Solo did tedious work not requiring much focus while watching T.V.  While other people played with mobile phones while waiting, Solo speed read countless pocket books while waiting.  While other people wore costumes to pretend to be in various occupations, Solo prepared for and had a wide variety of occupations.  

While other people only read fiction like novels on their own, Solo read a lot of fiction and a lot more non-fiction like textbooks, research papers, and news on his own.  While other people only read publications, Solo read and wrote publications.  

While other people told their opinions to friends and family, Solo told his opinions through the media to society.  While other people self-published their manuscripts, Solo has never self-published a manuscript and will never self-publish a manuscript because anyone can self-publish any manuscript.  While other people self-publish manuscripts so they aren't reviewed, publishers had all of Solo's manuscripts reviewed.

While other people wasted time and money playing casino games, Solo went to Las Vegas four times for research conferences and never played a casino game.  While other people wasted time and money betting on random outcomes, Solo has only bet once and used his extensive insight into American politics to win $4554.10 USD ($6053.76 CAD) by betting on an election outcome.

While other people took recreational drugs because they thought that would make them "cool," Solo wasn't such a fool.  While other people took smoking breaks, Solo took stretching breaks.  While other people got intoxicated, Solo physically trained so he could serve as an officer in the infantry, front of the fight for liberty.  While other people succumbed to peer pressure to take substances to fit in, Solo is a maverick and didn't want to fit in.  While other people were consumed by addictions to substances, Solo has never consumed an illegal or recreational substance.

While other people chose what to eat based on what their misinformed friends and family incorrectly told them is healthy, Solo studied nutrition at top-tier universities.  While other people consumed junk food, Solo consumed the healthiest food.  While other people ate mostly ultra-processed foods, Solo ate mostly whole foods.  While other people used food as a means of fun, as a means to alleviate boredom, as a reward for something that went right, or as compensation for something that went wrong, Solo used food as an opportunity to get the right nutrients to live healthy and long.  While other people succumbed to peer pressure to eat unhealthy food, Solo didn't care about peer pressure and ate healthy food.  While other people were slaves to their dietary addictions, Solo is the master of his will and has never had an addiction.  While most of what most people eat increases their risk of getting a disease, most of what Solo eats reduces his risk of getting a disease.  While most of what most people eat and drink reduces their lifespan below what it could be, almost everything Solo eats and drinks extends his lifespan to what it could be.

While other people ate large amounts of chips, cake, cookies, crackers, chocolate, candy, and cheese, Solo ate large amounts of cherries, cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, corn, celery, and chickpeas.  While other people got vegetables and fruits from carrot cake, banana chips, bean chips, corn chips, plantain chips, potato chips, apple pie, blueberry pie, cherry pie, ketchup, etc., Solo ate vegetables and fruits like carrots, bananas, beans, corn, plantains, sweet potatoes, apples, blueberries, cherries, tomato sauce, etc.  While other people ate vegetables with high-calorie salad dressing, Solo never ate salad dressing.  While other people ate all kinds of unhealthy condiments and sauces, Solo ate pure vegetable chutney and pure tomato sauce.  While other people ate French fries, hash browns, onion rings, vegetable burgers, samosas, pakoras, falafels, and fried vegetables, Solo ate steamed vegetables.  While other people ate jelly beans, Solo ate soybeans, black beans, red kidney beans, white kidney beans, romano beans, and lima beans.  While other people ate chocolate covered nuts and roasted nuts with oil, salt, or sugar, Solo ate raw nuts without oil, salt, or sugar.  While other people ate popcorn with oil, butter, margarine, salt, sugar, or flavoring, Solo ate plain popcorn without oil, butter, margarine, salt, sugar, or flavoring.  While other people ate ready-to-eat cold cereals, Solo ate ancient grains and oatmeal.  While other people ate white rice, white bread, and white flour products, Solo ate brown rice, whole grain bread, and whole grain flour products.  While other people drank coffee and energy drinks to stay awake, Solo used willpower to stay awake.  While other people drank sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages and juice, Solo drank pure juice like pomegranate juice and wheatgrass juice.  While other people drank juice without the fiber, Solo mostly drank juice with the fiber.

While other people had low or moderate energy, Solo burned with energy.  While other people needed a lot of treatment for medical ailments, Solo focused on preventive medicine so he wouldn't develop medical ailments.  While other people frequently got ill, Solo almost never got ill.

Solo is always driven to move himself and the world forward with vigor, vision, and valor.  Solo has been in a race against time to advance knowledge, innovation, theory, engineering, math, and technology with publications, products, and profits while fighting against tyranny, injustice, inequity, and regressive public policy and fighting for liberty, justice, equity, and progressive public policy.  

V. Selective and Condensed Biographical Synopsis of Favorite and Least Favorite Literature (in Books, Documents, T.V. Series, and Movies) of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo’s favorite nonfiction books are The Warrior:  The Combat Readiness Standards, Kevin Trudeau's Mega Memory:  How to Release Your Superpower Memory in 30 Minutes or Less a Day, Advanced Mega Memory, Mega Speed Reading, Patent It Yourself, “Let the Word Go Forth”:  The Speeches, Statements, and Writings of John F. Kennedy 1947 to 1963, Modern Control Engineering, Computer Architecture:  A Quantitative Approach, Digital Design, Microelectronic Circuits, Fundamentals of Physics, Chariots of the Gods?  Unsolved Mysteries of the Past, and Actual Innocence:  Five Days to Execution, and Other Dispatches from the Wrongly Convicted.  

Solo’s favorite fiction books are the original Shannara trilogy, Star Wars books, Lord of the Rings books, The Hobbit, The Great Escape, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, From the Earth to the Moon, and Journey to the Center of the Earth; he read these fiction books prior to university.  He likes Uncle Tom's Cabin for its impact in fueling the abolition of slavery and the fight for liberty.  Solo’s favorite fiction books while in the early grades were Tunnel through Time, Alvin Fernald books, Great Brain books, Harold Greenhouse books, Three Investigators books, Choose Your Own Adventure books, and Which Way books.  When Solo first learned to read at the age of 5, his favorite books were fables and Curious George books.  Solo hated the plays of Shakespeare.

Solo's favorite documentary T.V. series are Ancient Aliens, NASA's Unexplained Files, and How the Universe Works.  Solo's favorite documentary T.V. miniseries are From the Earth to the Moon, The Men Who Built America:  Frontiersmen, and The ACLU Freedom Files.  Also, he liked these documentary T. V. series:  Mysteries at the Museum, Beyond the Unknown, History's Greatest Mysteries, Unearthed, Weird or What? The UnXplained, and Animated Hero Classics.

Solo’s favorite fiction T.V. series are Salvation, Timeless, Burn Notice, Star Trek:  Voyager, Hogan's Heroes, Star Trek, The Shannara Chronicles, I Dream of Jeannie, Tour of Duty, The A-Team, Seven Days, Pensacola:  Wings of Gold, For Life, The Practice, Wanted Dead or Alive, and Get Smart.  His favorite episodes of T.V. are the finale ("Get Ready") of Salvation, the finale of Timeless, the finale ("Endgame") of Star Trek:  Voyager, the season 6 finale ("Game Change") of Burn Notice, and the "Timeless" episode of Star Trek:  Voyager.  Also, he liked these fiction T.V. series:  The Beverly Hillbillies, The Time Tunnel, Highlander:  The Series, The Greatest American Hero, Andromeda, Star Trek:  Enterprise, Star Trek:  Picard, Star Trek:  Short Treks, Miami Vice, and The Flintstones.  He liked these Canadian fiction T.V. series:  The Littlest Hobo, Heartland, and The Beachcombers.  As a little kid, he liked these Canadian fiction T.V. series:  Mr. Dressup and The Friendly Giant.  The best comedy T.V. series he has seen were Hogan’s Heroes, I Dream of Jeannie, Get Smart, The Beverly Hillbillies, and The Flintstones.

Solo's favorite movies are the Rambo movies, Top Gun movies, Star Wars movies (especially George Lucas's movies), Rocky movies, Indiana Jones movies, The Right Stuff, Back to the Future movies, Rolling Thunder, Star Trek movies (especially Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III:  The Search for Spock, and Star Trek IV:  The Voyage Home), Valkyrie, An Officer and a Gentleman, Braveheart, Gattaca, Casualties of War, James Bond movies (especially Skyfall), The Hurricane, The Shawshank Redemption, and No Escape (1994).

The most inspiring movies that Solo has seen are The Right Stuff, Rambo movies, Top Gun movies, Rocky movies, Kickboxer movies, PT 109 (on the extremely heroic military service of President John F. Kennedy in World War II), An Officer and a Gentleman, Jean-Claude Van Damme movies, Steven Seagal movies, Jobs, Apollo 13, Unbroken, Rescue Dawn, Edison the Man, The Social Network, Gattaca, Skyfall, Braveheart, Valkyrie, Star Trek movies with the original characters, James Bond movies, Indiana Jones movies, and Iron Man.  The most inspiring T.V. series that Solo has seen are From the Earth to the Moon, Burn Notice, The A-Team, Star Trek:  Voyager, Star Trek, Hogan's Heroes, Salvation, Timeless, Tour of Duty, Pensacola:  Wings of Gold, Seven Days, For Life, and The Practice.

The best social justice movies that Solo has seen are First Blood, Rambo:  Last Blood, Rambo:  First Blood Part II, Rambo, Rambo III, Gandhi, Valkyrie, Braveheart, Casualties of War, A Few Good Men, Gattaca, The Birth of a Nation (2016), Amistad, Amazing Grace, The Hurricane, The Shawshank Redemption, No Escape (1994), The Life of David Gale, Training Day, Cop Land, Lock Up, Birth of a Family, and Cowboys and Indians:  The Shooting of J. J. Harper.  The best social justice T.V. series that Solo has seen are Burn Notice, The A-Team, Hogan's Heroes, Tour of Duty, For Life, In Justice, The Practice, and Wanted Dead or Alive.

Solo hates movies and T.V. series that promote law enforcement corruption or military corruption like Shaft (2000), 24, NYPD Blue, Blue Bloods, and ​Hawaii Five-O ​(2010).  T.V. series and movies promoting law enforcement corruption and military corruption make the public think corruption is beneficial.  Solo prefers movies and T.V. series that condemn law enforcement corruption or military corruption like First Blood, Rambo:  First Blood Part II, Valkyrie, Casualties of War, The Hurricane, The Shawshank Redemption, No Escape (1994), A Few Good Men, Training Day, Cop Land, Lock Up, Escape Plan, and For Life.

Solo doesn't like movies and T.V. series where the protagonist could be an antagonist, where the main character isn't much better than the supporting characters, where the good are bad and the bad are worse, or where all of the main characters are evil.  That's the problem with Shaft; Dirty Harry moviesRiddick movies; John Wick movies; Casino; Goodfellas; Scarface; ​Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Cowboys & Aliens; The Good, the Bad and the Ugly; Ocean's Eight; Ocean's Eleven; Thunderbolt and Lightfoot; etc.

Solo watched every episode of Star Trek (the original series), Star Trek:  Voyager, Star Trek:  Picard, Salvation, Timeless, The Shannara Chronicles, The A-Team, M*A*S*H, I Dream of Jeannie, For Life, Shades of Blue, The Flintstones, etc.  He watched almost every episode of Tour of Duty, Get Smart, The Practice, etc.  He watched all but the last seasons of Burn Notice, Hogan's Heroes, Star Trek:  Short Treks, etc.  He watched all but the last two seasons of Star Trek:  Discovery.  He watched a lot of these episodes while doing tedious work that didn't require much focus.

Solo's favorite genres of nonfiction literature are articles about politics and public policy as well as textbooks about the infantry, engineering, math, and science.  His favorite genres of fiction literature are military, science fiction, and fantasy literature.  His favorite fiction writers are Sylvester Stallone, George Lucas, Terry Brooks, J. R. R. Tolkien, Jules Verne, and H. G. Wells.​

W. Conclusion to Selective and Condensed Professional Biography of Ashu M. G. Solo

Solo likes doing engineering and math research, development, and publications to advance knowledge, innovation, theory, and technology; military service, activism, political and public policy research and development, and publications to advance liberty, justice, equity, and progressive public policy; as well as combat sports, extreme sports, and physical training to advance self-defense, health, and longevity.  Some people see things as they are or even hear of things that aren’t—then simply accept them as wrong or right.  Solo sees things as they should be and even dreams of things that could be—then strives to bring them to light.

Ashu M. G. Solo on a target shooting exercise while he was an infantry officer (military occupation) and platoon commander understudy (regiment appointment) in the Cdn. Army Reserve Infantry.

Ashu M. G. Solo (on the left) playing tackle basketball with fellow infantry officers while he was an infantry officer (military occupation) and platoon commander understudy (regiment appointment) in the Cdn. Army Reserve Infantry.  This game is a lot more fun than regular civilian basketball because players can tackle an opponent and wrestle the ball out of his hands, play never stops during game time, players don't get breaks during game time, and the players are all infantry officers who are a lot tougher than most civilian players.  However, Solo served as an officer in the infantry not for worthless game victory, but to fight for liberty, justice, and equity.

Email:  amgsolo at 

Combat and physical training: